The 'Sheila Agreement': How To Manage Conflict Like Big Girls (And Boys)
Grow Some Labia? What the heck does that mean?
When we want men to ‘man up’ we urge them to ‘grow a pair’ or ‘grow some balls’. Women can’t grow balls, but our labia is what would have become our scrotum if we’d been born male. Grow some labia today, take back your power and don’t be the victim. The future is yours.
If you’re as fed up with what passes for modern discourse in the Ignited States of America, Can’tada or Eur-up-my-nose, if you’re as sick of the left’s shit as you are of the right’s, you’ve come to the right place.
I’ve been kicked off Medium, and CounterSocial for upsetting transflakes and other wokies. I speak truth to power and they don’t like it.
Grow Some Labia encourages us to speak truth to and challenge unlawful, self-appointed authority and political extremism. Here there be facts, science, history, evidence, nuance, and, to put it in the immortal words of Dusty Springfield, looking at both sides now.
I also offer my experience to women and others who have experienced or would prefer never to experience an abusive relationship. I had a fantastic mother who drilled it into my head growing up that I should never tolerate an abusive, controlling man in my life. I listened. And I have never been abused by any man. I teach women, men and others the lessons I learned about how to not get abused.
So if your mother didn’t tell you these things, I will, and maybe you will never, ever be hit by a man. Or ever again. It’s your choice.
As security expert Gavin de Becker stated in his excellent book The Gift of Fear, “The first time he hits you, you’re a victim. The second time, you’re a volunteer.”