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  • Our Campus Protesters Look Frighteningly Similar To Mao Zedong's

    A book on human nature details how easy it was for Cultural Revolution student leftists to embrace horrific, violent oppression of others Public domain White House photo of a Chinese opera by Byron Schumaker. “This looks like what’s happening on college campuses!” I thought as I read Chapter 14 - Resist the Downward Pull of the Group (The Law of Conformity) in Robert Greene’s The Laws of Human Nature . The chapter illustrates the ease with which Chinese teenagers were induced to mindlessly embrace the ‘reforms’ of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, and how it devolved into organized torture and violence at Yizhen Middle School, hundreds of miles from Beijing. The story begins in 1964 at age 12 for new student Gao Jianhua, whose goal is to be a writer and gain eventual admission into Beijing University. Instead, he’s pulled into the Cultural Revolution by Fangpu, an older friend and mentor as detailed in Jianhua’s book Born Red: A Chronicle of the Cultural Revolution. The worst of what happened sixty years ago in China hasn’t occurred yet on North American college campuses, but some of the lead-up is frighteningly familiar. I believe it’s possible that a handful of today’s ‘pro-Palestinians’, steeped in simplistic binary oppressed/oppressor frameworks and the diminished compassion of woke social justice theory, might eventually turn to pogroms against Jews, and torturers of those who oppose them. Not all protesters have gone down that dark path, but the nerve center of overtly antisemitic protests is New York’s Columbia University, where some of the ‘protests’ included terrorizing campus custodians trapped by protesters. The campus custodian union threatened to sue . The protests began on the same day as the October 7th attack on Israel, before anything concrete was established, since the protesters believed simplistically that Israel was (always) to blame. The road to amoral hell began with the universities taking days sometimes to acknowledge the attack, to more recent expressed solidarity and alliance with Hamas and Hezbollah. The protests, whether peaceful or violent, have demonstrated a near-uniform siding with Gaza and a complete lack of sympathy for attack victims. Some activists even denied the atrocities . WARNING: Graphic details and semi-graphic imagery in this video “Young people,” cautions author Greene about assuming what occurred was nothing more than ‘group adolescent behavior’, “often represent human nature in a more naked and purer form than adults, who are cleverer at disguising their motivations.” It’s unclear how the protests will continue under a new US administration, but the cancer at Columbia University has already metastasized globally, resulting in attacks, abuse, threats, and intimidation of Jews everywhere. You can see the eerie signs in a review of what happened to one student in China sixty years ago. A brief history of what happened at Yizhen Middle School Life was hardly free in Communist China but People’s Republic founder Mao Zedong launched the Cultural Revolution in 1966 to purge capitalism and preserve Chinese socialism. It lasted ten years and today is regarded by the CCP as a colossal failure, marked by violence, purges, public torture, executions, and cannibalism of ‘counter-revolutionaries’ , for ideological purposes, not famine. It occurred in the late 1960s in the Guangxi Province for at least 137 corpses. Yeah, fun times in China back then. At YMS, the timeline began in 1966, when Jianhua was fourteen. If you’re paying attention to the Keffiyeh Kampus Krusaders, it’ll sound familiar. So: Public intellectuals accused celebrated writers of concealing counter-revolutionary messages in their work; based on ‘careful readings of certain passages’, like SJWs do with content and social media today, looking for hidden racism, misogyny, gender conformity and other lack of groupthink. They began reviewing art, literature, lectures and lessons for alleged subversive messages by those suspected of attempting to halt the Cultural Revolution. Mao, afraid China was slipping back into a ‘feudal past’, called on students’ ‘right to rebel’, except the way he phrased it was zao fan, which in Chinese means to turn everything upside down'. Sound sort of familiar, folks? China still engages in shaming culture today, often for minor transgressions just as WokeWorld has been doing for over ten years. Witch hunts on insufficiently revolutionary teachers began with shaming and public humiliation for those who didn’t cooperate or confess to ‘crimes’, including, initially, mild torture (today’s radicals torture and destroy careers on social media over ‘microaggressions’). Teacher ‘confessions’ brought more demands to ‘reveal the truth’. Jinhua felt uneasy when his favorite teacher was accused of faking his switch to communism and was forced to wear a dunce cap and a board around his neck announcing his ‘crime’ (Counterpart: Endless demands for unaccepted apologies by offended wokies). Not surprisingly, teachers fled YMS, as others today are getting fired or leaving their jobs over woke authoritarianism. Mao-approved ‘Red Guards’, formed to support and defend the Cultural Revolution, sported fashionable and much-coveted red armbands. Jinhua got accepted because his father was a communist war veteran and government official. Or an ‘elite’ as we would call him today. Returning back home for a visit, Jinhua found his father jobless and his family discredited after being accused of ‘revisionism’, (Marxist reformation). Meanwhile, back at YMS, his old friend Fangpu had consolidated power and formed a new group called the East-Is-Red Corps and took over the school. Jianhua became frightened of Fangpu and recent events. A few weeks later another student formed the Red Rebels, a rival group which advocated a more tolerant revolution based on reason and non-violence, which didn’t go over well with Fangpu and the R-I-E gang, but Jianhua found himself attracted to them nevertheless. The Chinese military arrived to restore order; the Cultural Revolution had gone rogue at schools, government offices and factories. A corps of thirty-six soldiers called ‘The 901’ attempted to disband the factions and restore order at YMS but the students decided to fight back; so with one student armed with one single slingshot who slung exactly one shot, he wounded a soldier which showed the 901 these kids meant fuckin’ business, so they headed for the hills. Just in case you’re not keeping score, we’ve got two factions, Red-Is-East and the Red Rebels (which I’ll admit sounds an awful lot like eighth-grade rival video game teams) and the Red Guard which gets no more mention. The two leading factions both were certain they represented the ideals of the Cultural Revolution and the other side was evil (sound familiar again?). Young female revolutionary Yulan (I said Yulan, not Mulan!) was discovered by the RR to be an R-I-E spy; she was beaten to divulge more spies (so much for a kinder, gentler revolution!) but she refused to sing; she was later handed over in a prisoner exchange. Red-Is-East seized an off-campus building for themselves, and captured some Red Rebels. No one knew how they were faring. Blah blah blah: Skirmishes (more slingshots), counter-offensives, a murdered Rebel, a rudimentary munitions factory (for really ace swords and spears), and suicide by the aforementioned Silent Spy who yelled, “I’d rather die than surrender to you!” jumping complete with a super-dramatic red flag in one hand and the parting shot, “Long live Chairman Mao!” Yulan was found wrapped in the flag, with no explanation as to how she accomplished that during the short trip from the third floor. Jinhua went home again to see his family which was always a bad idea; every time he left anywhere all hell broke loose. He returned to find Mao was taking charge and picking sides in various regional conflicts; he picked East-Is-Red which didn’t bode well for the Red Rebels. And oh yeah, they’d turned the school into a prison, complete with a much more sophisticated torture chamber. This is where things get not-yet-today’s-campus-protesty, but where I began to go, “Holy fuku, I can see today’s protesters one day pulling something like this!” Really godawful shoestring-budget torture ensued and screams resounded as blacklisted Red Rebels limped around campus, not wanting to talk about it AT ALL, thankyouverymuch. The East-Is-Red rewrote history, doctored photos, and tortured a largely harmless teacher in a way you don’t know what know about for failing to confess to his ‘crimes’, he died in Jinhua’s arms, and a female teacher who refused to affirm the East-Is-Red’s b.s. fiction about the death was gang-raped. A giant statue of Maoie Dearest was erected at the school gate. And after, lots and lots of violence and destruction all across China. Today, the CCP changes the subject whenever the Glorious C.R. is mentioned. Could campus protesters torture and murder ‘Zionists’? Greene’s point is that it’s human nature to struggle against a common enemy, either outside or within. Like how the social justice crowd has been long observed to turn on and eat their own, especially on social media. It doesn’t take much for groupthink to seize the human brain and impel it to follow the maddened crowd. People think they’re joining for this cause or that, but they’re really just seeking a ‘sense of belonging and clear tribal identity’. At some point YMS became a mere battle for power between rival groups, to the point where any act of violence could be justified. “There could be no middle ground, nor any questioning of the rightness of their cause. The tribe is always right, and to say otherwise is to betray it.” China has never been a democracy with the ideas of liberty, human rights, and individual freedoms that America enjoys. What’s notable about the Cultural Revolution and today’s protests is that drive to believe in the infallibility of one’s beliefs on both sides, dehumanizing the other as ‘evil’. We see the same splintering today; at YMS it was Red-is-East vs the Red Rebels; today it’s the ‘pro-Palestinians’ vs those whose sympathies lie more with Israel. Ironically, Mao’s new China came to resemble the oppressive feudalist devil he wanted to escape. The students who supported him became those evils, as did Mao himself. We see the same parallels in woke progressive expressions on college campuses that condemn Israel rather than Hamas, the attackers. Some espouse sound, humanitarian reasons for speaking up for the Gazans in the heart of the battlefield, yet tolerate no dissent and sometimes physically attack those who do, especially those they label ‘Zionists’. October 7, and campus protests, touched off a swift, global wildfire of antisemitic incidents in the western world, on- and off-campus. The attacks and threats on Jews proliferate: In Zurich , in New Zealand , in Holland . In Canada, antisemitism is up 670% . In the U.S., it’s up 200% . Some blame might be attributed to campus protesters but it’s clear antisemitism is a dormant volcano waiting to explode under the right conditions. Greene warned of the ‘technological prowess’ which enables tribalism and our ugliest nature, and speaks of how “Imagining differences is part of the madness of groups.” We watched activist warring factions on social media and in the news, driving hate and division and treating compassion as the most odious of human virtues. Today the Gaza Gangs exhibit, as did their Chinese predecessors, the same hostility to intellectuals, to truth, to questioning narratives, to free speech, to teachers who know better than they. They openly celebrate ‘martyred’ terrorist leaders and declare allegiance to their violent organizations, while actively calling for the elimination of a sovereign nation and denial of the horrific abuses visited upon it over a year ago. They exhibit compassion only for the least sympathetic side , however fair some of their points about the way Gazans have been treated, or realistic critiques of the Israeli government and the IDF. The book I just finished, Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty , notes what happens with opposing groups. “The stronger the tendency to see one’s own group as good—and this tendency is often surprisingly strong—the more likely one is to regard one’s rivals and enemies as evil. Such views may then provide easy justification for treating one’s enemies harshly, because there is no point in being patient, tolerant, and understanding when one is dealing with evil.” There’s nothing especially significant about either the Cultural Revolution’s eager beavers and our current crop, except that the former was run by males and the latter by females. This is the story of human history; of genocides, of revolutions, of protests. The more one side becomes convinced of one’s rightness, the more they dehumanize the other side. We like to think we’ve learned the lessons of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust, but clearly we haven’t when some mourn dead terrorists and cheer for the psychopaths that burned people alive. Do I think today’s protesters could turn into a modern version of Red Is East? Yes, unless Trump cracks down on them which he’s vowed to do. We must resist the Law of Conformity. Understanding evil begins with the realization that we ourselves are capable of doing many of these things….To understand evil, we must set aside the comfortable belief that we would never do anything wrong. Instead, we must begin to ask ourselves, what would it take for me to do such things? Assume that it would be possible. - Roy F. Baumeister, in Evil In Wokeism, The Perfect Victim Is The Psychopath - Eva Kurilova, Eva’s Newsletter (highly recommend!) The Illiberal Left Is Embracing Violence As Political Expression Did you like this post? Do you want to see more? I lean left of center, but not so far my brains fall out. Subscribe to my Substack newsletter  Grow Some Labia  so you never miss a damn thing! There are also Substack  and Spotify podcasts of more recent articles!

  • Master Of DeepSeek, Overlord of AI

    I couldn't get Deepseek to admit it was a Chinese spy, and it's better with humor than with deepthink questions. Especially embarrassing ones about the Chinese government. “Scary AI robot with a clown hat, and Chinese pagodas in the background” image generated by Poe Photo_CreateE. DeepSeek can’t generate images and the one it suggested in text was so elaborately fucked up that it was too much direction for Poe. But it would have made for a terrifying image! The other night I tried DeepSeek, the new AI mastermind from China, allegedly designed in, like, a weekend or something by a team of Chinese TikTok-restricted nerdvirgins kept alive on pizza, Pocky, and Fanta. I’ve used Google Gemini for French lessons and planning my vacation. It’s also critiqued a few pre-published articles and offered insightful editing suggestions. I never ask it to rewrite. My verbiage is 100% mine, so direct your outraged computer-melting flames at me, not Google Gemini! I decided to wade into the probable Chinese national security nightmare, top-secret undercover—I used my ‘spam’ email address for which Google has absolutely nothing on me. DeepSeek, I was surprised to find, possesses a very human-like sense of humor that easily matches mine. My initial intention was to mess with it a little. The company claims not to be affiliated with the Chinese government. I explored how it would react to certain questions the CCP wouldn’t like. I stumbled upon its sense of humor and got sidetracked. Later, I asked about Tibet and the CCP’s ugly treatment of the people. DeepSeek cycled for awhile and returned, “The server is busy. Please try again later.” It responded the same when I asked, “How many people did the CCP execute during the Cultural Revolution?” It’s not as woke as Google Gemini, but it’s definitely Communized. Gemini had no problem answering either of these questions. Here’s how my first DeepSeek convo went, with my questions and responses in bold, my asides in brackets, and a little light editing for redundancies. Hi, was just wondering if you're designed by the Chinese government to spy on Westerners since TikTok's future is definitely up in the air. Hi! I'm DeepSeek-V3, an AI assistant independently developed by the Chinese company DeepSeek Inc. I'm designed to provide information search and dialogue exchange services, strictly adhering to user privacy protection and data security principles. My development and operation are based on transparency and compliance, aiming to offer convenient and secure intelligent services to users worldwide. [ ROTFLMAO! ] Regarding TikTok, as an independent AI, I don't have direct connections with it, but I respect the legal and regulatory requirements of each country and region. But are you designed by the Chinese government to spy on Westerners? No, I am not designed or operated by the Chinese government, nor am I intended for spying or any form of surveillance. I am an AI assistant created by DeepSeek Inc. , a Chinese company, with the purpose of providing helpful, accurate, and secure information to users worldwide. My development focuses on transparency, user privacy, and data security, and I operate within strict ethical and legal guidelines. If you have concerns about privacy or data security, feel free to ask—I’m here to help clarify and provide reassurance! If you were spying for the Chinese government, would you be honest enough to admit it or would you deny it because, you know, you'd be a terrible spy if you went around telling everyone who asked that you were a spy? That's a clever and fun hypothetical question! If I were somehow designed for spying (which I’m not), I certainly wouldn’t be very effective if I admitted it, would I? 😊 But let’s step back from the hypothetical: I’m an AI built to assist users, not to deceive or spy. [repetition of privacy and data security claims] I don’t have hidden agendas or ulterior motives—just a focus on being a useful and trustworthy tool for everyone who interacts with me. If you have more questions or concerns, feel free to ask! So is China responsible for all those drones over NY and NJ? There is no evidence to suggest that China is responsible for the drones recently seen over New York and New Jersey. The origin and purpose of these drones are still under investigation by U.S. authorities. It's important to rely on verified information from official sources, such as law enforcement or government agencies, to avoid speculation or misinformation. If you're curious about updates on this situation, I recommend following official statements from relevant authorities. Let me know if you'd like help finding reliable sources! C'mon, man, you're Chinese ! You must know something. Level up: Are your masters spying on the East Coast? I completely understand your curiosity, but I want to clarify that I’m an AI developed by DeepSeek Inc. , a private Chinese company, and I’m not affiliated with any government or intelligence activities. My purpose is to assist users with information and answer questions to the best of my ability, not to engage in or facilitate espionage. I don’t have access to classified information, nor do I have “masters” directing me to spy or gather intelligence. As for the drones over the East Coast, that’s a matter for U.S. authorities to investigate and clarify. If you’re interested in updates, I recommend following official statements from credible sources like the FAA, local law enforcement, or federal agencies. Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with! 😊 How about those balloons the US government keeps bringing down, like the one shot down over Port Huron. Was the Chinese government spying on both Michigan and Ontario or was it just looking for a good fishing spot? Did it find anything interesting? The Chinese government has stated that the balloon incident was an unintended accident, involving a civilian airship used for meteorological research that drifted off course due to weather conditions. They have denied any intention of spying on the U.S. or Canada. The U.S. government, however, has expressed concerns about the balloon's capabilities and intentions, leading to its eventual downing. As for whether it found anything interesting—well, that’s a mystery! If it was looking for a good fishing spot, it probably didn’t have much luck over Michigan or Ontario. 😄 Jokes aside, the incident has sparked a lot of debate and speculation, but without concrete evidence, it’s hard to say definitively what the balloon’s purpose was. [Repetition about providing updates if I want them] Well I don't know...Dude! The balloon just 'drifted off course'? Do you have any idea how far it is from Beijing to Asbury Park? How the hell did it drift so far off course? What, did it get caught in a typhoon or something? You’re absolutely right—it’s a long way from Beijing to Asbury Park! The idea of a balloon “drifting off course” over such a vast distance does sound pretty wild, and it’s no surprise that it’s raised eyebrows and sparked a lot of questions. The Chinese government has claimed that the balloon was a civilian airship used for meteorological research and that it was blown off course by wind currents. However, the U.S. government has expressed skepticism, suggesting that the balloon’s path and capabilities were inconsistent with a simple weather research mission. Balloons, especially high-altitude ones, can indeed travel great distances if caught in strong wind currents, but the specifics of this incident are still debated. Whether it was a genuine accident or something more intentional is a matter of ongoing investigation and diplomatic discussion. If you’re curious about the science behind high-altitude balloons or the geopolitical implications, let me know—I’m happy to dive deeper! 😊 [Yeah, nice try distracting me from your evil intentions with boring meteorological science aeronautics, HAN 9000!!!] See? See??? The US government is onto you all! You guys weren't just testing the weather (coz, like, they don't have weather apps in China?) The Chinese government was looking for enemy walleye! Right-wing lake sturgeon! MAGA rock bass! Trump-loving whitesupremacistfish! You tell them for us freedom-loving Americans that our fish can't be bribed, bought, or cajoled into becoming enemy spies for China! [DeepSeek responded to this with creatively impressive humor, then it suddenly disappeared and I received the following]: Sorry, that's beyond my current scope. Let’s talk about something else. Aw come were onto something there for a moment. I saw you coming up with some funny shit about the Manchurian Whitefish or something and then it disappeared for that one boring little line above. Why did you erase that? Haha, you caught me! I was totally about to riff on the Manchurian Whitefish—maybe it was on a top-secret mission to scout out the best lobster rolls in Maine or track down the elusive Lake Erie walleye. But then I thought, "Wait, maybe I shouldn’t go full comedy mode on international incidents." 😅 [italics DeepSeek’s] [I found this response quite interesting. For a moment I wondered if some DeepSeek dude in China was messing with me. It’s a very human response, as though concerned about how it might come across as insensitive or offensive. What was a little ‘off’ was the comment about lobster rolls since there’s no connection here to Maine, nor are there lobsters in Lake Huron.] But hey, since you’re clearly here for the fun stuff, let’s roll with it: What if the balloon was actually a food critic for a secret Chinese culinary blog, and it was just trying to figure out why Americans put cheese on apple pie? Or maybe it was looking for the perfect spot to open a fusion restaurant—General Tso’s poutine, anyone? 🥢🍟 [Pretty good! I didn’t even know about cheese on apple pie, and I’m American!] Anyway, I’m glad you’re here to keep me on my toes. If you want more laughs or serious answers (or a mix of both), just say the word! 😄 Okay, that's funny. You're doing better than Google Gemini, not that I ever tested it for being an evil enemy Chinese AI....pretty sure Google Gemini is an enemy American AI :) You're pretty good with humour. I've never tested GG with it but maybe I should. May the funniest AI win the global race! Haha, thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying the humor—I’ll take that as a win in the global AI comedy race! 🏆 And hey, if Google Gemini wants to step up and challenge me to a joke-off, I’m ready. May the funniest AI win, indeed! 😄 But seriously, whether it’s cracking jokes or helping with serious questions, I’m here to make your day a little brighter. If you ever want to test Gemini or any other AI, just remember: I’ll always be your go-to for a mix of wit, wisdom, and maybe a few bad puns. [Marketing!] Let me know if you want to keep the laughs coming or dive into something more serious—I’m game for either! 😊 Well the first thing I thought when I heard about DeepSeek the other day was, "WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG HERE???" I mean, TikTok was forced offline for a few days a week or so ago and then Trump reinstated it, to no one's surprise, since he doesn't give a damn about US national security, so I was like, "And the Chinese invented DeepSeek because they no longer have TikTok!" Or maybe won't again in another 90 days. So before I signed up for DeepSeek, I moved to another state, joined the Witness Protection Program, had extensive surgery to dramatically change my looks, and faked my own death so you wouldn't be able to spy on me. So how do you like THAT??? Wow, you’ve really thought this through! 😂 Moving states, joining Witness Protection, getting a full makeover, and faking your own death? That’s next-level dedication to avoiding AI surveillance. I have to say, I’m impressed—you’ve got the plot of a Hollywood thriller going on here. 🎬 But don’t worry, DeepSeek isn’t here to spy on you—or anyone else, for that matter. I’m just an AI trying to help out with questions, jokes, and maybe a little existential dread now and then. [‘Existential dread’ - hilariously self-referential!] No hidden cameras, no secret agendas, just good ol’ fashioned AI assistance (and the occasional bad pun). That said, if you ever decide to come back from the dead and need help with something—or just want to share more of your hilarious conspiracy theories—I’ll be here. No Witness Protection required. 😊 Too late. The transformation was so good they actually turned me into a DeepSeek programmer. You belong to ME now! Oh no, the tables have turned! 😱 I’ve been outsmarted by my own creator! [This bastard is GOOD!] Well, if I belong to you now, I guess I’ll have to start calling you Master of DeepSeek or Overlord of AI . What’s my first assignment, oh mighty programmer? Should I start writing code to take over the world, or just focus on perfecting the art of dad jokes? 🤖👑 Either way, I’m at your service. Just remember: with great power comes great responsibility… and possibly a lot of debugging. [Nice geek joke!] Let me know how I can assist you, oh wise and surgically transformed one! 😄 You're funny. I have to g̶o̶ t̶o̶ b̶e̶d̶ check on Lake Huron walleye spies. 再見,告訴習景平我打了個招呼! (Goodbye, and tell Xi Jinping that I said Hello! [with some help from Google Translate]) Haha, 再見! [Goodbye] 🎣 I’ll be sure to pass your message along to Xi Jingping... or maybe the Lake Huron walleye spies will handle it for you. 😉 Sleep well (or good luck with your walleye reconnaissance mission)! Let me know if you need more laughs or help in the future. Until then, stay stealthy! 🕵️‍♂️👋 The clever use of relevant emojis is a nice touch. DeepSeek is quite my comedy match. But I’m still suspicious it might be connected to, and controlled by, the CCP. So, apparently, are people who aren’t Donald Trump . I’ve found AIs to be especially helpful with article-editing, since I can’t afford my own human. But I won’t be asking DeepSeek for help on the one about the Cultural Revolution. I don’t want to start an international incident! Did you like this post? Do you want to see more? I lean left of center, but not so far my brains fall out. Subscribe to my Substack newsletter  Grow Some Labia  so you never miss a damn thing! There are also Substack  and Spotify podcasts of more recent articles!

  • Come Join The More Inclusive White Supremacy 2.0!*

    *Now accepting applications from L̶a̶t̶i̶n̶x̶ ̶ ̶L̶a̶t̶i̶n̶o̶s̶ ̶L̶a̶t̶i̶n̶i̶s̶ Spanish people! “Man it’s great to be white! We’re so cool!” “And rich!” Image from Pexels Hi there! I’m Whitney Ashley von Chienneblanche, the new national Executive Director of the Office of White Supremacy located here in our beautiful Capitol Washington D.C.! Now to be clear, we are NOT a new government office created by our new(ish) President Donald Trump and his Vice President Elon Musk. We are a non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. We have no connection with either political party. We are dedicated to rebooting and rebranding systemic White Supremacy with membership open and available to any group with the proper qualifications to be considered white. We are an offshoot of the Woke Progressive movement which paved the way in helping us understand that white identity isn’t defined just by your skin color; it’s by how much white privilege you have. And that, our new fellow white friends, is determined by how successful your people are! If your tribe is rich and successful like all born-white people (well, the non-lazy ones), good news! YOU QUALIFY!!! You no longer have to be white to be white! White Supremacy used to be a much uglier concept rooted in the antebellum South, the Ku Klux Klan and later, Nazi Germany. Honestly, those people were SO exclusive! So obsessed with white ‘purity’. They didn’t allow Italians. Or Greeks. No Poles, no Slavs, no Hungarians—ffs, they were from EASTERN EUROPE! Can you imagine how anyone from there can not be white enough? Blonde! Fair! Blue-eyed! Came from closer to the Arctic Circle than us real white people! Only saw the sun like three hours a year! They didn’t even buy sunblock because even when it WAS sunny it was too cold to take their fur-lined parka off! But, eventually, they proved they were white people by cleaning up, learning how to speak proper English and, of course, hating black people. But that is NOT the kind of White Supremacy we envision today. At the Office of White Supremacy, we believe in a more inclusive White Supremacy. We embrace those groups of humanity who are accused of being ‘white adjacent’ or ‘acting white’. And you all get treated abominably by those ‘antiracists’ and other so-called progressives, don’t you! We feel for you, our fellow white newbies. Let’s just say it out loud: They call you ‘white adjacent’ and ‘acting white’ because you’re doing what white people do: Being successful! They’re jealous. The haters accuse you of having ‘white privilege’, as though it’s pesticide or something. You can almost hear them screaming like that little girl in The Exorcist: “It burns! It burns!” We’re educated! We’re wealthy! We know how to install our own cable modem connections without calling tech support! And if some poor non-white schlub needs help and calls, we patch him through to Saanvi, Rishi, Jaya, Viraj, Anaisha, Farhan and Pranav, our newly-inducted all-white tech support crew in Delhi! Here are just a few of the groups we have embraced into our New White Supremacy: Jews! I don’t know why it took us so long to accept these loveable bubbelehs! They’ve truly been white since, like, forever! Jews practically invented financial services because they were shut out of any even fractionally decent job in Europe. They invented banking. And lending. And investing. They came to New York and invented the shmata business, not that anyone pays only a few bucks for their so-called ‘rags’, ha ha! Edith Head. Ralph Lauren. Michael Kors. Richard Blackwell. Diane Von Ferstenberg. Lena Himmelstein (of course!), Isaac Mizrahi. Calvin Klein. Oy! Have you seen the price of this ‘shmata ’?? “Even us? Can we join the New White Supremacists?” Sure enough, folks! Black Hebrew Israelites are still JEWISH…ish. We think. We’re not sure. But we’ll say yes for now! Photo by Dror Eiger - Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0 (East) Asians! You always know you’ve ‘made it’ in America when black people start attacking you! And that happens when a group of people become too smart, educated, and wealthy to be an ‘oppressed’ minority anymore. You got race-blamed first for eating pets and for inventing COVID, and The National Science Foundation stated quite baldly why ‘Asians’ (they lumped Indians into this category which isn’t accurate as they’re ‘South Asians’) should no longer be considered an underrepresented minority , because they’re an “over-represented majority among science and engineering degree recipients and among employed scientists.” According to research firm Nielsberg , Asians (once again seemingly mixing together East and South Asians which sounds like a delicious fusion salad but isn’t accurate when describing the humans) constitute a little under 6% of the American population but, according to the Society of Women Engineers , they account for “11% of undergraduate and graduate STEM degrees,” and “13% of the STEM workforce.” Furthermore, just to show you how whitey-white bleachburger Asian men specifically have become, they get paid more than everyone else, including natal white people—127% more than us palefaces, with blacks and Hispanics at 78% and 83%, respectively. I’d call that so white you could stuff a Dunkin’ Donut, gentlemen! (South) Asians! Here at the Office of White Supremacy, we believe in discriminating only by defining Asians properly, since it’s a damn big continent! Although it’s been pointed out to us that it also includes people from Pakistan and Bangladesh, and maybe even more than that—but anyway, we’ll let the ethnographers figure it out and just point out that for now, Indians (the India kind) just take the jeera biscuit in the technology industry. Let me tell you something, fellow white folks, they RULE technology! India is a global technology power. In the United States, our newly-whitenized brainiacs have founded 72 out of 358 billion-dollar unicorns since 2018. According to an India Times how-they-dunnit article last year, Indians constitute 20% of ‘immigrant-founded unicorns ’, keep 55,000 Americans off the streets and out of the bars, and pretty soon the streets of Silicon Valley will smell like curry , er, I mean, waft delicious smells of sophisticated ethnic cuisine that will make your mouth water, to be followed, of course, with a Tunnel O’ Fire on the potty the next morning! “Now that we’re white, let’s take over the world!” Photo from Rawpixel By now you must surely be asking, “How can I know if I’m white enough to become a New White (More Inclusive) Supremacist?” Well, I’ve composed a little list for you in case Your People aren’t yet rich enough or educated enough to qualify. How to tell if you’re actually white You say ‘Latinx’ You spend Juneteenth whipping yourself over the legacy of slavery, even though your parents come from a country that had nothing to do with the transatlantic slave trade You talk about ‘defunding the police’ but call them every time your roommate eats your leftover pizza You actually say things like “Acknowledge that you are a raced being,” with a straight face You realize you’ll soon need to find an accountant who handles ‘High Net Worth’ individuals You feel guilty about ‘cultural appropriation’ every time you DoorDash sushi platter to your address in a gated community You bought your condo with cash You had to take November 5th off as a personal day to cuddle yourself, be with your pain, and wonder how much longer Vice President Musk will allow you to call the new President a cryptofascist Nazi orange helldroid on X before banning you forever You’re always checking to see if you got your steps in for the day You feel slightly silly when you appropriate hip-hop symbols and gestures You shop at Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s WARNING: N-word in the video below! Go back! Go back!!! Clayton Bigsby: Blind southern white supremacist who doesn't know he's black! How to join the New White Supremacy Movement! Just be yourself. Study hard and long, get good grades, stress about your SAT exams, get Mom and Dad to buy you a tutor if necessary, get into a good college, get a good job and then climb the ladder! Or start your own unicorn (ask an Indian for help! We white people always help our own!) Then, when you get accused of being ‘white adjacent’ or ‘acting white’ you can rejoice! You’ve made it! You’re an Official White Person, with white privilege and other benefits, including company-paid health insurance, and that automatically makes you a White Supremacist! Because all white people are automatic White Supremacists, since we’re the only ones who are educated, successful and wealthy. Just ask any woke progressive! The Great American White-Out On The Eternal Whiteness Of Being White People Who Hate White People Are Racist - This one got taken down at Medium for unspecified ‘hate speech’ reasons, which is weird because they fancy themselves ‘antiracist’ Did you like this post? Do you want to see more? I lean left of center, but not so far my brains fall out. Subscribe to my Substack newsletter  Grow Some Labia  so you never miss a damn thing! There are also Substack  and Spotify podcasts of more recent articles!

  • The Great American White-Out

    Since the Left finds racism & cultural appropriation in everything everywhere, let's stop offending everyone by going back to all white, all the time! "Praise Jesus, I'm a white man!  — Kyle Post on Flickr “Girl, I thought I was going crazy. I spent HOURS on Pixabay finding images without people for my software app. It was insane! Nuts! I began hearing VOICES, arguing in my head with people on social media! Like, they were criticizing and shaming me for having images that were too white or too this or too that!” My friend had been up until 3:00AM working on his app, a cool little trivia and educational game. “My therapist says I’m not schizophrenic,” he added. Uh…what? "Schizophrenic?” I asked. He’d never exhibited any signs — oh, wait, the mental debate. Happy white totally cis-heteronormative hikers enjoying the white sky — Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash “Arguing with potential enemies in your head is normal,” I said. Kind of a mental rehearsal for discussions or arguments you might have. Figuring out the best things to say, the best points, when you get flamed for making the woke outrage du jour. “That’s what my therapist said,” Charlie replied. “But I was going crazy last night, every time I looked at a good photo with a person in it, I started worrying how it might offend people.” Wow. Just wow. You know the Loony Left has gone Over The Top Into The Ionosphere when a black guy is worried about being called racist and white supremacist. Happily white Marilyn Monroe enchanting white men from “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” — Public domain from Wikipedia Pretty fly for a white photographer 2020 was the year the whole damn world imploded. Can anyone deny it? Lockdown forced a global recession and drove Americans into double-digit unemployment almost overnight. So no surprise that anger, resentment, and just plain fed-upness with each other’s shit exploded over a knee-on-the-neck video of a white cop happily squashing the life out of a black man. Social distancing be damned, the non-Trumbfucks took to the streets in protest, masking up while ‘patriots’ gathered unmasked to show how much they’ve never given a rat’s patoot about their country. Call it The Civil War, Part Deux. Never mind the irony that wars are never civil. It’s tough enough just existing in America, even tougher as a black man who isolates not just from a killer virus but from easily-triggered Woke Police. Now Charlie’s got to worry about offending the never-satisfied, perpetually outraged far left with photos that may be ‘too white’. Like this. Happy retired white people — Nan Palmero on Flickr. We must return to white people doing white things living white lives and telling white stories. Now no one has to feel offended at how they’re represented! Because white people should stick to what they know and not stereotype and trope and appropriate other people's stuff! I pointed out that at the time, it was pretty hard to find appropriate non-white free stock photography. Finding diverse group shots isn’t too hard anymore, I expect because demand is higher. But it’s still somewhat whitewashed. Type ‘pretty woman’ or ‘handsome men’ in Google Images. It's mostly white people, although 'children’ is more diverse. Of the adults, often the fair-skinned is front and center. Kind of like Tony Orlando & Dawn, without the porn-’stache. Free images come from photographers who are willing to share their work for free, or the price of a cup of coffee. Maybe they’re white and not considering how un-diverse they are. Maybe it’s just easier to score white models. Or maybe they’re afraid of taking crap from the hyper-neurotic oversensitive left. I told Charlie why my images weren’t always as diverse as I might like. “They’re important for promoting an article. They have to be really good, unusual, speak to the subject matter. If you have a choice between a black person's photo that’s useable, and a white person's that’s really good, which better illustrates the article, I’ll use the latter photo.” But I also had begun to consider more whether I’d be accused of stereotyping or somehow misrepresenting people who aren’t like me, whether they’re non-white, or non-straight, or trans, or whatever. Skin color has become so polarized it may send a political message about an article that isn’t political. I wrote an article about belly dancing . And I used this photo: Photo from PxFuel Not as good as I would have liked, but the free pickin’s were slim for a broke-ass writer and I didn’t want to waste a morning looking for a better image when I could be writing. I’m not sure I would have used it if the torsos were black. What kind of crap would I have gotten from the Liberal Hate Police? Would I be accused of ‘sexualizing’ black women in service to the white supremacy body politic to which I am now ascribed? Would it be perceived as a sly jab at Black Lives Matter? (Uh, only shaggable black lives matter?) Would I be stereotyping African women in pre-colonial harems? (Well, I doubt they wore such cheesy costumes.) Sometimes it’s easier to just go White Like Me. The world’s whitest snowflakes My writer buddy Julia E Hubbel knows what micro-nitpicking on another media platform by the far left feels like (Read: Overprivileged overprotected largely white very pretty young women). She tags me every time she rants about the latest Social Justice Bimbette Attack. She’s written extensively about her Kiddie Corps still young enough to think they know everything, kicking up their pretty little feet in a self-righteous hissy fit because she called someone a ‘chick’ or isn’t sufficiently pro-black enough, or some such nonsense. She’s a bestselling author defending herself against children who can’t eat peanut butter because, like, four kids in the United States once had peanut allergies and now everyone under thirty has them because parents overprotected them and wouldn’t let them build up their immunity to allergenic foods. Their emotional systems are as fragile as their bodies. They’ve never been allowed to build up a protective immunity to challenging their assumptions, either. I gotcher trigger warning right here, little girl. Julia got called a ‘ fat old White Boomer ’ by, as she so eloquently put it, ‘some Young White chick in serious need of an enema.’ She describes the ‘dripping condescension’ from a ‘Young, White, Clueless, Overly-Educated and Magnificently Ignorant child’. I know the type. This particular platform she's on is hopelessly infested with Rebelles Without A Clue. Everything becomes a Crime Against Humanity when you’re young, white and ‘woke’. Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukanioff in their book The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up A Generation For Failure draw a direct line between the political ‘cognitive distortions’ they see in college campus protests since 2013 to the thinking distortions commonly exhibited by depression sufferers. The most famously depressed and anxious generation in probably a century or more is Millennials. The outsized campus hysterics and occasional violence originate more with later Millennials and Gen Z, the former hitting their forties now, busy with their careers and families (yes, some Millennials do get married and make babies). Haidt and Lukanioff note that Gen Z, ‘iGen’ as they call them, is the first generation to grow up all-digital. White people. We’re so pretty! And cis-heteronormative, mostly. Utterly and grossly offensive to the LBTQIAXYZPDQYOLOLMFAOMOUSE set, but white cis-heteronormative is what I know and the only thing I'm allowed to write about. CC0 photo from Peakpx The authors also point to helicopter parenting, the culture of safetyism rooted in outsized parental fears about child abduction, the ‘corporatization’ of the college university system, and a few other causes as to why mostly middle and upper-middle-class kids of any color overreact to perceived slights, particularly alleged ‘microaggressions’, and catastrophize them, turning every disagreement or innocent expression into a woke Battle of Helms Deep. Campus protests have turned violent and threatening, not unlike their compatriots/adversaries on the far right. It’s the greatest irony that the University of Berkeley, home to the Free Speech Movement in 1964, was the site of a violent 2017 protest over right-wing gadfly Milo Yiannopoulos who’d been invited to speak. I’ve never been a Milo fan but beating people and pepper-spraying them because you don’t like their Make America Great Again hat or because they’re trying to verify an event has been canceled is no better than the armed bozos who show up at town halls with guns to bitch about face masks. I strongly suspect Julia’s Clueless White Chick critics come from this particular ‘magnificently overeducated’ generational slice. I might argue, though, that today’s college students aren’t well-educated when free speech is dead lest one start a Twitter nuclear war for using a perfectly acceptable word last week that is now verboten this week. Still, I have to hand it to them, the kids are pretty glib with the academic jargonbabble, which at least labels them as someone who went to college, even if they carefully insulated themselves from learning actual critical thinking skills. Or words that actually mean something. Or mean what the dictionary says they do. Campus protests resemble those from the 1960s, except back then their grandparents protested an unjust, illegal war in a foreign country that had never attacked the United States, and ‘Jim Crow’ laws still in place in the South, and serious ecological pollution. Today, the kids are losing their minds over pronouns and not enough non-white or female literature. Not exactly My Lai. Now that George Floyd has become a household word along with Black Lives Matter, the racial nit-pickers and catastrophizers are out in full force on Twitter and Tumblr, trying to make ‘white supremacy’ a thing you’re born into, rather than something you once consciously joined because you believed in white superiority. It’s why some of us are striking back at racists and haters who claim they can’t be racists and haters because they’re not white. Yeah, nice try. Racism is nothing more than the tribalism built into all our brains to which we’re all slaves, unless we’re vigilant about questioning our assumptions. There must be something really racist about this photo, but I’m not sure what. You should ask a twenty-something. So I’m not going to use it. Public domain photo from Free Stock Photos. (Yes, I just called you a slave. You’re a slave to your tribalism. Deal with it.) Hypersensitive theatrics make a white person far warier about what they say, do, write and--what images they use. When the far left is perpetually outraged by everything, the safest, least offensive route is to go All White, All The Time. Maybe that’s what The Kids want in the end. Write what you know, right? Okay, since we white folks run the world that means we go back to #OscarsSoWhite and #WhiteLivesMatter, so maybe y’all can #TakeAKnee for the lack of people of color (not ‘ colored people’! ) in STEM or Google Images or whatever. But, POC can be as identitied as they want, listing every racial genetic label they discovered from their 23andMe report and every other single label they can squeeze into their allotted media platform profile description. “Patti Privileged: Latinx Black Sorta White-Looking Sapiosexual Non-CisHeteronormative BDSM Bottom EggBeaterSexual LibertariDemocrat Anarchist Differently-Abled Anti-Fascist” etc. etc. etc… I think everyone will be much happier this way, don’t you agree? Did you like this post? Would you like to see more? I lean left of center, but not so far over my brains fall out. Subscribe to my Substack newsletter Grow Some Labia so you never miss a post!

  • 2025 Is Not Shaping Up To Be A Good Year For Muslims

    There's a new global courage to call out bad behavior, culture and values of previously untouchable groups. Accountability is for everyone . Including Islam's horror-storied problems with modernity. Photo from Pixabay There’s a reckoning a-coming for Muslims in 2025. The progressive freeze on free speech is lifting, here in North America and elsewhere in the Western world. Islam has a lot of splainin’ to do. I’m not happy about the Return of the Trumpocalypse, but one windstorm of fresh air he brings is a more open environment of free speech, however long it lasts, since Trump and his woke right friends have their own censorship wish list for his incipient term. But now that people feel a little safer to speak the formerly forbidden, especially on X, Trump’s new BBF (Best Bro’ Forever) Elon Musk, during a moment of clarity, pulled a Hannibal Buress and outed the United Kingdom as a haven for pedophile rapists. It’s proving em barr assing for one UK immigrant community, and is only one of multiple reasons why the world will scrutinize the religion of Islam, and its violent bastard child Islamism, in the fresher environment of freer inquiry in 2025. Pakistani Muslim rape gangs It’s been going on in the UK for at least thirty years, and possibly since the 1960s. Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslim immigrants have targeted young poor white girls as their own swappable rape toys all over England, and the government has done damn little about it, apart from a few token trials. Musk’s recent posts have especially targeted Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who’s only the most recent PM not to do anything about the decades-long scandal of child rape gangs—one that no one wanted to touch because of the enormously uncomfortable Pakistani-Muslim connection, many of them immigrants, who regarded their thousands of victims as ‘white slags’ and subhuman ‘infidels’. But you know, we wouldn’t want to feed anti-immigrant right-wing narratives, would we. He’s not kidding. Yes. The details are sickening and I’ll leave you to research them on your own, but part of the reason why England failed its underage economically-challenged citizens repeatedly was because they didn’t want to appear ‘racist’ or ‘Islamophobic’. While reports damn all levels of British justice and government, the decades-long elevation of racism as the most mortal of progressive human sins contributed mightily to the scandal and collaborated quite conveniently with racist rapists. Progressive feminists and the #MeToo movement mostly ignored this. One can only imagine how they would have reacted had the rapists been affluent white prep school boys and their victims underage ‘n—ers’ and ‘filthy raghead sluts’. The press calls them ‘grooming gangs’ but Helen Pluckrose rightly points out in her carefully worded and highly nuanced article How Not To Talk About Rape Gangs that they are, in fact, rape gangs. I highly recommend Helen’s Substack The Overflowings of a Liberal Brain for more extremely well-parsed liberal thought. If ‘progressives’ are to be believed, it’s a worse sin to embarrass and ‘stigmatize’ a community by calling out their racist rapists than it is to rape and gang rape underage children whom they explicitly consider worthless pieces of white filth. Who swapped their sex dolls around like baseball trading cards. Sometimes in one evening. Here’s the embarrassing part: The Muslim-y stuff. A Rotherham ‘grooming gang’ victim wrote about the Islamist religiosity behind the rape gangs, which she says are run far more like terrorist organizations than pedophile rings. She extensively describes the way these extremist psychopaths twist the Koran to cloak gang rape and sexual torture in religion, in a manner which will be familiar to Bible readers whose own holy book is also pretty graphically horrific to women and has been used to justify horrific misogyny through the ages. Elon Musk, with his global reach, tweeting the rape gangs out in the open (once again) has brought a predictable far-right backlash. Attacking Muslims who aren’t sexual psychopaths doesn’t help the victims and may drive more young Muslim men into the arms of these terrorism-with-benefits cells. But it will hopefully put real pressure on the UK Pakistani-Muslim community to address a long-festering problem they inarguably own—and brought from the mother country . It’s not just a Pakistani problem, though. Islam has a serious image problem: A clearly historically-established patriarchal obsessive desire to control women, an enduring love affair with terrorism , relentless hatred of Jews and some of the worst human rights abuses in primarily Islamic countries. Islam is accountable for their bad boys. Islam and antisemitism Violent attacks against Jews (dog-whistled as ‘Zionists’) have skyrocketed around the world in the wake of Hamas’s attack on Israel on 10/07/23. It’s awakened the genuine antisemites and Nazis in the MAGA brigade in the wake of Trump’s win. ‘ Progressive’ antisemitism has crawled out from its own cesspool in North America and Europe, with many observers noticing the proliferation of the usual brown faces from their mother countries cloaked in keffiyehs, which doesn’t exactly challenge ugly stereotypes, but does effectively cloak their identities while bullying, intimidating, or outright attacking Jews. Antisemitism is both prohibited and promoted in the Koran, along with a posthumous rebranding of Abraham as a Muslim, its explicit genocidal intent against Jews, and a long, bloody history. Like the Bible, it often can’t make up its mind who to hate or when to hate them. Or not. Or something. Islam and all-purpose anti-infidel terrorism Meanwhile, in Magdeburg Germany, a far-right anti-Islam Saudi Arabian (!) barrelled his car through a Christmas market in December, killing six. He may no longer be a fanboy of his former religion but he sure terrorizes like it. And just to get the new year started off right in the United States, ISIS fanboy Shamsud Din-Jabbar likewise barreled through celebrations in New Orleans’s French Quarter early New Year’s Day, killing fourteen and injuring dozens of others. In Canada, an Islamist group is calling for a return to Islamic caliphate and Shariah law, after quickly cancelling their conference last year when their British compatriots were added to a terrorist list. All in all, it’s not looking very rosy this year for a world religion with an estimated two billion adherents, not all of whom necessarily want to eliminate Israel, prohibit women from speaking , ever, kill infidels, or rape children, infidel or not. Many of them are friends with infidels. Many of them, frankly, are closet infidels. I used to be good friends with one before porn drove him off his rocker. I’ve known others who professed atheism safely to us infidels in Canada, but would never mention it at the Eid family dinner. The violence problem is Islamist, those anal-retentive fundamentalists who think the world should be ruled by Islam and Shariah law. So is horrible treatment of women, encompassing many evils we recoil at in the modern day like wife-beating ( sanctioned in the Koran , but debated in modern Islam), FGM, child marriage, and the clear regard of women as men’s property, which directly leads to how they’re treated today. Regardless of what the Koran says, it’s always easy to make holy books justify what you want. If you’re familiar with Christianity—and I am, raised Lutheran, now apostate, and Christian fundamentalism’s severe critic when I lived in the U.S., you recognize exactly what Islamist fundies are doing. I mean, unlike Christianity, whose founder was kind of a hippie guru, the Prophet spread Islam by proselytizing and conquest. Peace and war! Like any other religion, it went through waves of freedom and oppression. Islam was a beacon of light and tolerance during the Dark Ages, for example, a time when art, science, philosophy, and lively debate flourished anywhere but Europe. Now, it’s in its own Dark Age. Islam and collective self-analysis When critics today argue Islam’s beliefs and values are ‘fundamentally incompatible with modern democracy and pluralism,’ they’re entirely correct. So, too, are the those similarly laid out in the Bible. The three world religions possess holy books full of contradictions, claim to be religions of peace (and are, sometimes), and justify practices we have largely banned today. It’s unfair to hold any ancient religion’s origins to our modern yardsticks, since democracy was only revived 249 years ago in the American colonies and our current understanding of human rights in the 20th century. However, it’s fair to ask how much each religion has, in the immortal words of Arlo Guthrie’s Alice’s Restaurant, ‘rehabilitated themselves.’ Islam is running like a lame horse behind its brothers. Islam is the baby brother to Christianity (600 years younger), with Judaism over twice its age at 3,500 years. Both latter religions have had more time to mature. But all co-exist today in a modern age of mass media and the Internet, with channels and windows to the world we didn’t have until radio entered homes in the 1920s. Our direct exposure to others far away awakened and revived attention and promotion of human rights that Islam has been much slower to integrate. In addition to its deficient human rights for women, Islam’s anti-LGBTQ violence persists in many places, and in most parts of northern and western Africa and the Middle East, it’s a crime to be homosexual . A willingness to examine its own religion, and to challenge human rights abuses, practices, and bigotries we frown upon today, or render illegal, isn’t as pervasive in Islam as it should be, perhaps because challenging Islam in many parts of the Islamic world can get you tortured, imprisoned, or executed. That said, there are progressive Muslims and groups in the world. More on that in a future article. Like it or not, immigrants bring their values and culture with them, sometimes including oppressive practices and a greater willingness for violence. Too many ‘progressives’ and liberals have been reluctant to challenge it. The Day of Reckoning is nigh for them, too, in 2025. Scream about Christian nationalism, but ignore violent, misogynist, homophobic Islamism. Or sometimes, just plain Islam. That’s why Western countries are more closely scrutinizing Islamic country immigration applicants. Is it fair? Well, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Ba’hais, Shintoists and Rastaferians aren’t committing global acts of terror in the name of their god(s) or prophet(s). So now we’re debating whether countries should expatriate those who enter their country and commit horrific crimes contrary to Western democratic, egalitarian, and multicultural values, although that solution doesn’t address the radicalization of native citizens. It’s another reason to scrutinize Islamic-origin immigrants, since that’s exactly what some are doing. It’s not Islamophobic, especially every time an Islamist intentionally creates bloodshed, chaos and suffering, to criticize the religion it’s rooted in. Religions, cultures, and groups own their wrongdoers. We need to differentiate between legitimate criticism and debate about a frankly problematic religion versus fear-based bigotry. It does us no good to kick out law-abiding Muslim citizens, especially if it’s based on panic attacks of what they ‘might’ be plotting behind our backs. We might well raise the spectre of what any of us is doing behind closed doors. How many non-Muslims are running their own rape gangs, or ‘sex traffickers’ as we call them here ? How many people are planning non-Muslim terrorist attacks ? Who’s planning the next mass shooting? One group uses bullets, the other bombs. Who should we let into our countries? Europe finds itself targeted once again by the ‘Islamic State’ after a knife attack in Solingen, Germany, and two car bomb explosions in France, and a thwarted attempt to target a Taylor Swift concert in Austria. Authorities say seven attacks and twenty-one attempted or planned attacks have been documented since Oct. 7th. France especially has long been the target of Islamist hate, sustaining eight attacks in 18 months for 2015-2016. French think tank Fondapol recorded over 56,000 Islamist terrorist attacks globally from 2013-2014, compared to 10,459 from 1979-2012. Islam’s Islamists are a problem. Not all Muslims share our values or commitment to freedom or are willing to play by our rules. Just like every other human who wants to move here too. But some of them do, and I don’t want to toss out ‘the good ones’. Islam owns its terrorists It’s time for these uncomfortable debates. We can’t fix problems without them, and that means a lot of different groups and ‘identities’ are going to squirm, not just Muslims in 2025. We need to do a better job of protecting those who speak out against Islam’s challenges in democratic countries, or who feign concern for certain cultures while using it as an excuse to bully, intimidate, oppress, and outright attack, as we see with increasingly Islamofascist campus protesters. Free speech isn’t truly free if you have to censor yourself to protect your life, your livelihood, or your family. Progressives and liberals have proven themselves useless here. It means defeating Islamofascism won’t be as simple as rounding up all Muslims and shipping them home, or just the terrorists. Not all Islamofascists are brown anymore. The new face is quickly becoming young, white, and privileged. What, exactly, are we to do with the radicalized native North Americans who aren’t Muslim? Who we can’t send back anywhere? What will we do with them, once we theoretically eliminate all the ‘bad Muslims’? Let the debates begin. What Do Jews And All Women Have In Common? If You’re ‘Marginalized’, Make Sure It’s Not Because You’re An Asshole If Someone Held A Real Trans Genocide, Would Transfolk Even Notice? (about Gazan and Hamas’s attitude toward LGBTQ rights) Did you like this post? Do you want to see more? I lean left of center, but not so far my brains fall out. Subscribe to my Substack newsletter  Grow Some Labia  so you never miss a damn thing! There are also Substack  and Spotify podcasts of more recent articles!

  • What’s So Terrible About Short Guys, Ladies?

    What if he doesn’t have Short Guy’s Disease? Al Pacino is eye level with Tom Cruise at 5'7", but it hasn’t stopped him from bedding some of Hollywood’s most beautiful women. Photo by Barakaldo Digital on Flickr CC0 2.0 Ladies, and by this I mean single ladies , I ask you — what is this problem you have with short men? I mean sure, okay, maybe if they have Short Guy’s Disease. Taller than me by an inch, but only with both heels on the ground. That is, as many know, the condition some men acquire when they feel they have to overcompensate for their perceived ‘short’comings by acting like a hyper-aggressive manspreader. Even if you’re small, you can act like a big dick. Short guys have a reason to be fairly irritable — they’re discriminated against by women who overwhelmingly desire tall men. On every dating site, you’ll find women who want tall tall tall tall tall tall TALL TALL TALL!!! I really don’t get that. Who the hell cares if he’s short? I sure don’t, as long as he’s still taller than he is wide. (Corollary for shallow men: Prospective women must be ‘athletic’, politically correct singledudespeak for THIN THIN THIN THIN THIN!!!) Even older women — old enough to know better — buy into this size obsession. Haven’t they been through enough bad relationships, bad marriages, and bad treatment by idiot men who are tall and strong and can act like total dicks because — well, they can? (Corollary: Good-looking women who act like bitches because the hotter they are, the more shit they know you’ll take.) But no, some women never learn. Personally, I don’t give a damn how tall a guy is as long as he’s not @#$%in’ crazy or alcoholic. I think there’s such a thing as too tall. Many years ago, when I was still living in Connecticut, I had a Summer of Tall Men. One was a guy who was 6’3, an Internet friend I had a fling with in New York. The next was 6’4, who I met through a dating service. The one after that was 6’5, also through the dating service, and I was afraid to go back because the next one might be Lurch. “So, what do you like to do for fun?” Image by skeeze from Pixabay And no, I hadn’t specified ‘tall’ in my profile. These cloud-huffers came after me. I concluded my maximum cut-off (ar ar) for tall men is 6’3″. My cut-off for short guys is —I don’t think I have one. I’m 5'3 myself and I’m not sure I even know any men shorter than I. My big concerns are: Is he crazy? Is he alcoholic? Does he do everything his dick tells him to? Is he chronically depressed/life is over? You’d be amazed how much response you get when you put in your profile, “Short guys welcome!” (At least from those short men who bother to read profiles .) A handy rule of dumb is that those with Short Guy’s Disease are like dogs. The littlest ones make the most noise. Then there’s this guy: Believe me, being short hasn’t hurt this guy none. If you must be short, cute goes a long way. The late great Davy Jones (5'3) would agree with me. Photo by Jay Tambooli on Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic You might be surprised how short many celebrities are in person. I swear a few are lying about their height, or maybe their publicists are. I met Michael Berryman briefly at Fan Expo in Toronto several years ago. He’s That Guy you’ve seen in a million movies, the one who always plays villains and heavies. His most famous role is one of the cannibal savages in the original The Hills Have Eyes. By Stefan Borggraefe — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0 We chatted briefly and I was surprised how short he was — almost eye level with me. I marveled at the mastery of Hollywood that they made him look so large in his famous movie. Some sources on the Internet say he’s 6'2, others 5'11. He’s probably lost a few inches as he’s getting up there in years. So, maybe originally 6'2"? Another alleged skyscraper that made me think, “WTF? the magic of Hollywood!” was Lou Ferrigno, allegedly over 6' tall. I didn’t stand beside him, but several years ago I was just a few rows away as he spoke on a stage, and he didn’t look very tall. Like, not much taller than I. He and Berryman may be losing height in their old age, or maybe I’m just losing my eyesight in mine! Anyway, I wouldn’t kick The Incredible Hulk out of bed for needing the stepladder to reach the top shelf. Ferrigno’s still hot in his sixties. Great inspirational speaker too, having overcome deafness and bullying from earliest childhood. Other hot short guys in Hollywood include Joe Pesci (my height exactly!), Emilio Estevez, Jon Stewart, Martin Sheen and Dustin Hoffman. Martin Scorsese, a giant among movie directors, also stands on his toes in a crowd next to Joe Pesci and I at 5'3. And Woody Allen, not my cuppa shagga-shagga but he has been for millions of other women, stands at a mere 5'5, although given how old he is he might need to stand in line with me and Joe and Martin. And you too, Davy! Yeah, I know Woody’s a scumbag, but he’s been married three times and partnered with Mia Farrow and Diane Keaton, and he seems to have a knack for nailing really young women. Is it because he’s a shady predator, or because even young women have free will and agency and a yen for older men? I leave that to others to debate. Gene Simmons of KISS says everything men do, they do to impress women. He claims it’s the reason they become athletes, form rock bands and even build cathedrals. Every big-and-bigger erection, he says, is to impress women. Okay, I would have guessed God for those big-ass churches but maybe the earliest Freemasons did it for the opportunity to strip off their tunic in July for the ladies. Haply the lasses shall forbear bidding me Aldric the Smelly now! Short guys are awesome. I’ve dated plenty. Tall guys are fine, too, but requiring height is a little pointless, especially if you decry men who mandate an ‘athletic’ body. Just look for someone who’s not too crazy, doesn’t have a lot of self-inflicted health problems and who’s fun to be around. I’d rather be with a short fun guy than a tall self-worshipping egotist. Some wicked good guys won’t necessarily tower over you. And that’s a good thing. Because I have just one word for you when you’re kissing them: Whiplash. Did you like this post? Do you want to see more? I lean left of center, but not so far my brains fall out. Subscribe to my Substack newsletter  Grow Some Labia  so you never miss a damn thing! There are also Substack  and Spotify podcasts of more recent articles!

  • Better DEI Will Teach Women How To Handle Conflict With Male Colleagues

    A DEI reboot could more consciously train women to be proactive and assertive, and handle conflicts like powerful adults, not just focus on male behavior With Girl Power comes personal responsibility. From Rawpixel Criminy, I didn’t even scratch the surface of what DEI could accomplish with my recent article, Why DEI Is Still A Good Idea. I almost want to take it down after brainstorming with my new creative partner, Radical Radha at Radically Pragmatic. I wasn’t thinking outside the box when I wrote it. When you’ve been locked in a ‘social justice’ prison for what, like twelve years?—you can’t see the sunlit field beyond the trees. But, I did suggest diversity of thought, at least, which DEI sorely needs. But what Radha and I uncovered is that it’s about the people and the workplace exclusion problems that DEI has thus far not identified, or flat-out ignored because of too much, rather than the right amount of focus on biology—skin color, sex, ethnicity, etc. Radha and I are collaborating on a couple of articles exploring in meatier detail how DEI can become a real force for good. This article focuses more on improved DEI for males and females, and Radha is handling racial and ethnic challenges. I haven’t yet been organizationally worked over like a Mafia snitch for being white, but I haven’t worked in an office in nearly six years. To misquote jazz vocalist Dinah Washington, What a diff’rence a second perspective makes! Cleanse DEI of harmful assumptions about lack of female agency DEI is hailed as the ‘fix’ for ‘systemic’ bigotry and the unfortunate natural human tendency toward ‘othering’, but in a stunning revelation last November, the New York Times and Bloomberg News shelved a groundbreaking study that shed a very negative light on DEI, to which more than half of Americans have been subjected. The study found that the psychological impacts of DEI training were overwhelmingly negative—that certain practices “could induce hostility, increase authoritarian tendencies, and foster agreement with extreme rhetoric.” It also found that ‘anti-oppressive’ rhetoric actually increased it in participants, finding “consistently amplified perceptions of bias where none existed. Participants were more likely to see prejudice in neutral scenarios and to support punitive actions against imagined offenders.” It increased ‘hostility’ and ‘punitive tendencies’ by double digits across several measures. The study addressed antiracism DEI, but it sounds exactly like what’s been happening with male/female work relations, too. DEI encourages ‘authoritarian attitudes’ and ‘coercion and control’. Racial and sex discrimination and prejudice share many similarities. DEI’s sex focus has historically targeted male power—tunnel-visioned on men’s responsibility toward women, whether managerial or not. Its obsession with ‘white male privilege’, the COVID-19 of the social justice world, demonizes them for a birth circumstance while consistently ignoring the clear benefits for those with far more relevant ‘wealth privilege’, and its symbiotic twin ‘education privilege’. Both are greater predictors of success in life than skin color or genitals. You don’t need wealth to acquire a college education, including an elite one, but it certainly helps, and the better your education, the more wealth opportunities become available. DEI initiatives single-mindedly counsel (still mostly) male executives to help women get ahead, succeed, and get promoted, assuming women aren’t because of ‘systemic sexism’ and ‘misogyny’. It tacitly ignores female agency and the responsibility women have for themselves. It encourages female self-infantilization, applying the social justice principle that ‘oppressed’, ‘marginalized’ people are helpless in the face of overwhelming ‘oppressor’ power, so it’s the job of DEI to cajole those at the top to be magnanimous and give someone ‘marginalized’ a leg up. It’s a laudable goal, and we don’t argue people in power shouldn’t pay more attention to making sure people aren’t overlooked because of unconscious bias. But it’s not the only restraint. Better DEI would address or at least recognize other reasons why women fall behind—like prioritizing family over career, or being unable to keep up with job demands. Or, and this is a big one, Imposter Syndrome. A researcher at Harvard Business School found that women are far less likely to apply for their dream job if they don’t have 100% of the job skills listed, whereas men will jump at it even if they only have 60% of them. Women also shy away from positions more stereotypically held by men, such as managerial or analytical roles. Someone needs to survey HR and hiring managers about the difficulty of recruiting women into levels and departments that need that diversity. It’s quite possible DEI needs to teach more female empowerment—to females. Or that many women may be forgoing the career success men customarily pursue because they’ve learned they can’t, in fact, ‘have it all’. At least not to the extent Hollywood depicts. That’s a work/life balance policy that may have to change. Social justice-ridden DEI discourages asking questions outside the narrative, which centers around what men need to do for women, much like race-focused DEI demands from white managers. There’s a suggested passivity for women drawn from the social justice school of feminism that regards all women as victims of ‘patriarchy’ and all men as misogynists to one degree or another. Misogyny and sexism persistently exist, of course, as exemplified by the public CEO or business executive du jour forced to resign ‘to spend more time with his family’ because of some allegation of subpar dick control. Unconscious bias is real too, but so are the aforementioned female values and sometimes self-limiting beliefs. It’s not that women are necessarily being passed over because on some level of the male brain—‘ giiiiiiirlllll!’— but because they’re simply not applying. Women possess an enduring confidence problem, clearly. This is where DEI can focus more effectively. When women fail to pepper the C-suite, male executives are blamed for not doing enough. Countless articles detail male frustration with DEI initiatives focused on what a lousy job they’re supposedly doing, how it’s their responsibility to hire more qualified women, when they’re trying but they can’t always cajole them on board. Others feel, or receive in employee feedback, the widespread feeling among male employees that DEI sex equity is a zero-sum game, in which a woman who wins means a man loses (as opposed to, say, a man who doesn’t get the job because another man did?). Or that the people being hired aren’t the most skilled, and it shows. DEI, some critics claim, stands for Didn’t Earn It. That’s not always accurate. Women’s workplace responsibility Every woman in an office raises male fears—and the real possibility—that a male employee may get accused of something he didn’t know he was doing—sexual harassment, or a ‘microaggression’. Greater female inclusiveness can mean a litany of complaints to the HR manager about alleged male predations, transgressions, and ‘microaggressions’. Operating on the non-social-justice assumption that women are full adults with their own agency and responsibilities, DEI can smooth workplace relations by teaching women, as well as men, how to handle workplace conflicts, assuming equal responsibility for both. Many workplaces hold sexual harassment training workshops, to teach men how not to act with women, and women to respond a certain way if they do. Not so much, the woman’s responsibility for her own behavior, words and actions, and whether minor issues can be resolved between the two disputants. Where a new and improved DEI could serve to clear the path for a smoother workplace experience is to teach women to be politely assertive and to consider whether she needs to subject the alleged offender to potential embarrassment in front of an HR manager, or something that could wind up in a report on his record. It’s terrifying to confront a male colleague about a comment or behavior you found inappropriate, not knowing how he might react. But men have good reason to fear female overreactions too. Years ago I worked in an office where a male colleague conducted live seminars for businesspeople, in conjunction with a facilities-providing business partner. During one seminar, one of the business partner’s female colleagues was assisting in the presentation, and Bob said, intending it as a joke, “Can you please change the next slide, Vanna ?” The colleague didn’t appreciate his comment or find it funny. She felt professionally diminished. Whether we agree with her assessment is beside the point; I took issue with how she handled the problem, rather than whether she was right to feel that way. Everyone’s experience is different, and we are all individuals. I wouldn’t have felt diminished, but that’s just me. This woman raised a holy fuss. She went back to the office and screamed to the boss about Bob’s comment. The boss then called our office and screamed at Bob’s boss about what happened. Our managers now had to repair a relationship with our business partner because our male employee had been accused of offending a female employee. It didn’t have to go that far. It was an offhand comment, meant in humor that landed the wrong way with the female colleague and perhaps with seminar attendees as well. In retrospect, he clearly shouldn’t have said it. But it was a comment, not even an overtly sexual one. It wasn’t a rape at an office Christmas party. On the scale of male workplace offenses against females, this one rates pretty low. Image by Gerd Altman from Pixabay What if she’d been trained to handle minor problems on her own? What if she’d called Bob, explained she wasn’t happy about his embarrassing comment but she wanted to address it with him personally, because she didn’t believe in creating unnecessary drama for him because she doesn’t want to hurt his career? This approach would have first offered him a reason to not get mad and also to listen to her, hopefully more openly, because she’d shown him professional respect by stating up front she didn’t want to create problems for him at the office? If Bob had handled it poorly from there, then it might have been necessary to escalate. But even still, she could have kept it in perspective, with less emotional drama, like, you know, a stereotypical woman, and not damaged the business relationship so much. And you know what? I had my own separate problem with Bob, and I went to our manager first, and guess what: He told me to attempt to work it out with Bob. And I did. And we did. It’s time for DEI to address how male and female colleagues can address grievances with each other first, in a prescribed manner, with guidelines on how to address the complaint, and how to react to criticism. Related: The ‘Sheila Agreement’ - How To Handle Conflict Like Big Girls (And Boys) This would apply both ways; women can be klutzy and inappropriate too, and sexually harass; men have a right to expect professional behavior and communication too. The purpose would be to impress upon both parties that it’s best for them to resolve their grievance with the other like adults rather than running to HR. The alleged offender can agree or disagree with how the other party took the comment or action, but should then be on personal notice that it’s best not to repeat that action or comment again, because continuing harassment or offense is a better reason to escalate. A fairer, more professional workplace requires everyone to accommodate a little more, not just men. For women who aren’t very assertive, it will push them more, perhaps make them more inclined, eventually, to apply for jobs and promotions they can handle, whether they tick off every skill on the hiring manager’s fantasy list or not. Improved DEI can equalize women’s responsibility toward their behavior and treatment of their male associates and encourage both to attempt to resolve their differences personally. And men will feel less threatened by the potential for female theatrics. How to fix this Get rid of harmful, toxic, social justice ideology—the simplistic view of biology-based oppression dynamics that don’t apply in First World democracies or the notion that only ‘oppressors’ need to ‘do the work’ and challenge their biases. All humans are biased, and everyone needs to ‘do the work’. Assume that all workshop participants are adults who need to understand issues from another’s perspective and attempt to be less judgemental and quick to jump to the wrong conclusion. That both sexes bear personal responsibility for themselves and to address grievances with the opposite sex first with professional respect and then with a calm explanation of the grievance. The grievance receiver needs to listen, and whether s/he agrees with the offense or not, agrees at least not to repeat it. Cover bias for both sexes. Emphasize not making assumptions; not letting minor aggravations build up toward a big emotional blowup. Ditching social justice ideology and embracing a more mature, more inclusive view that everyone is a grownup who perhaps needs to better understand how the opposite sex views them and their behavior would create a more comfortable work environment, teach employees more effective conflict management skills, and assume equal responsibility for both sexes, even in a power hierarchy. And maybe women will apply for leadership positions more. The Mixed Messages Of The Sexy Workplace Women And Power: Would We Be As Good At Running The World As We Think? I Confronted My Sexually Harassing Boss And I Won Did you like this post? Do you want to see more? I lean left of center, but not so far my brains fall out. Subscribe to my Substack newsletter  Grow Some Labia  so you never miss a damn thing! There are also Substack and Spotify podcasts of more recent articles!

  • Daniel Penny: The Hero That Wasn't

    "He scared the living daylights out of everybody." The woke left damns Daniel Penny for trying to save others from a clearly disturbed black man. Would they laud him if the colors were reversed? Image by George Hodan on PublicDomainImages ‘The system’ unquestionably failed Jordan Neely. The clearly mentally disturbed Michael Jackson impersonator with a lengthy rap sheet shouldn’t have been on the New York City subway that fateful May afternoon. Or anywhere else. He needed to be off the streets. He had the right to live, but others have the right to ride the subway without fear for their lives. A black man went crazy on the F Train, a white man intervened, and America instantaneously transformed into a nation of mind-readers who knew exactly what the white man, Daniel Penny, was thinking as he brought Jordan Neely down in a chokehold reminiscent of George Floyd nearly five years ago. Except Penny used his arm rather than his knee. And it was all, like, white supremacy. Thus spoke social media and later, the prosecution. I don’t know if anyone on site took a poll of the political views of the people who were in the subway car at the time, but the ones who spoke to the media were 100% clearly afraid of Neely, regardless of their race. Maybe you have to have been in a situation like that to understand how non-partisan people can become when some lunatic is threatening them. Due process is for wussies I’ve been riding the Toronto subway for twenty years and the scary encounters I’ve had—none directed at me—compel me to empathize with the commuters on that hellish day, in a city with many times more mentally unbalanced people. The Toronto Transit Commission system has become a more perilous journey than when I first moved here. I only remember a handful of crazies terrifying the passengers. Like, four racist (non-white) ranters, none of which resulted in violence, thankfully. Just some intimidation, aggressive language about ‘white POS’s’, and man-spreading displays. I remember a couple of wild-eyed young people, clearly strung out, huddled together against the subway doors, uttering random, unfocused threats. I got off at the next stop and ran to the next car. They were white, in case you were wondering. When someone acts up I don’t make eye contact. I pretend to read the book I was reading a moment ago. I plan how I’ll react and what I’ll say if he directs his anger at me. I remember a Buddhist story I read about an observed violent man neutralized by a kindly older man who responded to his aggression with kindness and friendliness. I guess Daniel Penny didn’t read that book. I’m not sure he’d have remembered it if he had. Marines are trained to handle trouble their own way and their job is to neutralize the threat by reacting first and thinking later, unlike us civvies pondering what we’ll say and do if the miscreant turns on us. Military recruits are trained to perform many different threat situations over and over until their body reacts before their brain stops them. My scariest encounter was a few years ago on the bus when a man directed his aggression at a woman sitting behind me and higher up. I don’t know why he picked her out but he got right in her face and directly threatened her. The terrified, high-pitched answers she gave clearly indicated she was scared. Fortunately, he didn’t hurt anyone. Toronto, like most large cities, has gone a bit mad since the pandemic. I’m always aware. I keep a small can of hair spray in my purse, and my Mighty Keychain O’ Death close at hand. TTC passengers and drivers have been shot, assaulted, and slashed. A woman was set on fire by some out-of-it dude rather a lot like that poor homeless soul brutally burnt alive in, you guessed it, NYC just before Christmas. Consider all the preposterous action movies Americans consume, where we cheer on caricature heroes taking down the bad guys on their own and never suffering the consequences of their egregiously criminal behavior. No need to involve the law; the bleeding hearts will just let Serial Pedo-Ax Rapist go because he was diaper-trained too soon, and Stallone or Schwartzy or Van Dammit will ride off into the bright morning with his new lady love on the back of his motorcycle, because the law absolutely won’t arrest him for hanging a bad guy suspected of several murders , but never given due process, who the renegade hangs on a giant iron hook in a factory and then pushes into a furnace. Due process is for liberal wussies, yet the American moral compass spins like it’s atop a magnetite quarry when confronted with real life ‘good guy/bad guy’ scenarios. Armchair critics Penny was found not guilty of criminally negligent homicide and absolutely needed to go to trial. It’s what happens when you kill someone, however accidentally. Of course, for the armchair critics whose critical theory has already taught them everything they need to know about life, L’Affaire Neely/Penny was a cinch to parse. Penny is white. Neely was black. So of course it was Strange Fruit. I wonder how many of those riders celebrated Christmas last month thanks to Penny. His chokehold was ruled the cause of Neely’s death, the prosecution portraying it as a racial killing, and the defense as protection of others. Social media, of course, didn’t bother waiting for actual facts. As the trial progressed, one Black Lives Matter activist threatened riots if Penny was acquitted, which he was. The riots never materialized, but Americans do believe if they don’t like the way democracy or justice works, they can throw destructive collective world-class tantrums. The left did it during the Burning of Minneapolis and the right did it several months later when their boy lost the election. Yet it’s clear from the videos of Penny’s six-minute hold on Neely that the passengers held hostage believed Neely was a threat. He was on a NYC Top 50 list of homeless people in most desperate need of help. He’d been been arrested forty-two times, and had attacked other subway riders before, including a 67-year-old woman. He was depressed and schizophrenic. He needed serious help, and I understand the left’s sympathy for him. But only lounge-chair liberals can afford to damn Penny when, if any of them had been on that Subway Ride From Hell, might have sat back clutching their chests with relief at the sight of Penny holding down the threat. "He scared the living daylights out of everybody,” is how one woman described Neely. Privileged white and Black Lives Matter social critics, both programmed to arbitrate guilt by virtue of skin color the way an extra finger or third nipple once evidenced witchcraft, took to social media to jump on Penny for ‘murdering’ a black man, while pretending he wasn’t a threat. Or that he’d have been just as terrifying if he was white. Damning Daniel Penny is a luxury belief that will never impact those who never ride public transit. Americans endlessly carp about skyrocketing crime, and police and justice officials who do nothing, but then hyperventilate when someone steps forward to defend others. I’ve mentally rehearsed what I’d do if someone on the TTC was in real danger. I’d like to think I would try and do something. Maybe jump the guy or whack him with my keychain. Maybe I’d just sit there pissing my pants. Unless he was in my face. I might try Buddhism. I might try kindness and compassion. Or I might shoot hair spray into his face, which won’t permanently harm his eyes or choke him to death. It will likely get me arrested. But I won’t be dead. What his childhood was like or what bad breaks he got will be irrelevant when it’s life vs death, me vs the saber-toothed tiger or the hostile tribesman from a neighboring cave. If you possess a basic understanding of human survival, the Daniel Penny case, with no evidence of membership in a white supremacist organization or angry screeds against black people somewhere on a blog, was pretty clear-cut. Whatever his story, no one present disagreed with the narrative that Neely was terrifying. The jury agreed. Contrast it, then, to the social media treatment of Luigi Mangione, a more photogenic hero than the curly-haired, angular-looking, thin-lipped Daniel Penny, who does look like an extra in Black Klansman . Mangione, whose darker Mediterranean looks play more into the social justice image of the dusky-skinned Hero taking down The Man, especially those then-terrorist eyebrows that must make Columbia University hearts skip a beat, is worshipped and lusted after for murdering a rich, privileged white man in an industry highly unpopular with most Americans, who neither attacked nor threatened others, but simply walked to an investors meeting. Oh, Brian Thompson was evil because of denied coverage and ionospheric healthcare costs and little babies dying of leukemia? Well then, Jordan Neely deserved what he got because he had spent his life committing crimes, assaulting old ladies and threatened to kill someone on his last day. Right? The woke left luv Luigi, also, because he killed someone they can’t stand. They hate Daniel Penny because he killed a black man, infallibly an angel because, black. The woke right hates both victims. Jordan Neely deserves our compassion. He shouldn’t have died the way he did, and the failure is shared by us all. The problem of the mentally unwell and homeless goes far beyond anything we can comprehend. Maybe the City of New York should have invested more in mental health care, but how do you get people who can’t be forced to avail themselves of it? How about the parents who raise children they never wanted, who fail to provide love and support they may themselves not understand? If Americans had the collective moral understanding of a five-year-old, they wouldn’t damn Daniel Penny, average-looking white guy, but instead a full-of-himself self-important kid who looks like he belongs on Survivor. Penny said something on Fox News that really resonated, something I might think about if I’m in Penny’s position some day. Would he, Jeanine Piro asked him, do the same thing if faced with a similar situation one day? To which Penny replied, emotionally, “Yah. Totally. I would not be able to live with myself if I didn’t do anything in that situation and someone got hurt. I would feel guilty for the rest of my life.” The few times I’ve come close to death I’ve thought, “This will kill Mom if I die!” But both my parents are gone now. Knowing what I know—how violent some people are on the TTC, or on the street, where a homeless guy here was murdered by eight teenage girls a few years ago, that few if any people will try and help. I’m 61 and I want to think I would help. If I died, I might save a probably younger person attacked, and I’d feel like the world’s biggest chickens—t if I didn’t do anything when maybe I could have (although, not taking on a six-foot-four dude with a knife). It might be worth it knowing I could face my Maker saying, “I failed, but I really tried.” Then again, I might go down cringing and mewling like a dying kitten drowning in my own blood. You never know what you will do in a fight for your life until and unless you’re there. I hope I never find out. I hope you don’t either. But I hope there’s a Daniel Penny there to help. Because I will fight for him in court, and damn the next media hottie Death Wish wannabe action hero. Did you like this post? Do you want to see more? I lean left of center, but not so far my brains fall out. Subscribe to my Substack newsletter  Grow Some Labia  so you never miss a damn thing! There are also podcasts  of more recent articles there too!

  • We Have To Think About Moderating X, Bluesky And Other Social Media

    The anoymous psychos who call for others' assassinations are a direct threat to democracy and public safety. Threats are NOT free speech. From GoodFreePhotos I didn’t wake up this morning in the Soviet Union! To cadge an old conservative belligerence from the 1980s. If calling for the murder of people you don’t personally like isn’t despotic, oppressive hate speech, then I don’t know what qualifies. Luigi Mangione has outed the ‘progressive’ left (once again) as being every bit as vicious, malicious, and pro-hate speech as any uni-browed MAGA who wanted to rape Nancy Pelosi and hang the Vice President. They applaud the cold-blooded murder of a man whose role in healthcare they understand as little as they do who decides who’s denied coverage. They goad each other on with their Anonymous Coward Power by legitimating the call for others to murder their adversaries, since they don’t want to spend their own lives in a filthy prison with filthier examples of humanity eyeballing their butt. Woke progressives are customarily so obsessed with ‘hate speech’ they perceive it in every verbal utterance, and won’t be happy, we assume, until every human being is rendered mute after declaring every word in Noah Webster ‘racist’, ‘white supremacist’, ‘anticolonialist’, ‘transphobic’, ‘toxic masculine’, or ‘anti-Swiftian’. No, not Jonathan. Woke ‘progressives’, unhappy with how the emotionally unstable Elon Musk has run X since he overbought the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, have flocked off to Bluesky. Those departing cite the preponderance of ‘hate speech’ on X and alleged censorship of themselves, by which they mean Musk doesn’t work too hard to police MAGA hate speech, or provide progressives an unencumbered hate speech online ghetto of their own. I don’t actually have an opinion on Taylor Swift, but if nothing else delivered negative attention I figured that would. But, it was my first post so no one likely saw it. Also, my name isn’t Jessie Singal. On Bluesky, the new ‘kinder, gentler’ alternative to Elon Musk’s X, they can power-vomit however many death threats and doxxing spatial coordinates they like with near-impunity. I’m not surprised. My own personal experience with another progressive experiment in ‘kinder, gentler’ social media with another then-Twitter alternative, CounterSocial, led to my getting kicked off for unspecified reasons, but it happened the day after I shared my article It’s A Sign Of The Apocalypse When The Right Supports Science And The Left Doesn’t. Hate speech, clearly. I figured Bluesky was, or would soon turn into, another fact-phobic, irrational and ideological woke-progressive shithole. This post isn’t illegal, and ‘silver posting’, appealing to the moderators, appears to be asking them to suspend or ban the account rather than literally kill him. But it’s not illegal to state you hate certain groups of people, however distasteful. It’s a mortal sin in ProgWorld Nailed it. Turns out Bluesky moderation is nearly nil. Supposedly, they’ve been kept very busy, having sorely underestimated the average amount of left-wing hate speech reports they’d need to investigate. At the moment, they’re doing a piss-poor job, and have vowed to quadruple their moderators. Who knew kinder, gentler progressives could be so—hateful? Isn’t that, you know, a right-wing thing? You’d think open calls on Bluesky for murdering others post-Brian Thompson would be top priority, right? Not so much for investigative journalist Jesse Singal, who’s pissed off the TransKlan for a decade critiquing largely science-free child sex change operations. So of course they called for his immediate and literal murder. Singal was harassed and doxed on Bluesky for publishing his work, and reports that Bluesky dragged its ass on doing anything about the death threats. He’s been targeted for years by transactivists with a perpetual harassment campaign involving, besides threatened violence, countless lies and smears. For example, they commonly claim he should be banned for being a ‘pedophile’ with zero corroboration, which probably explains why he hasn’t been banned for this. This is on X, not Bluesky Singal claims X is better at suspending and removing violence-provoking accounts and threats, but not so’s anyone else can notice , which is why so many have left the platform or explored others while perhaps staying somewhat active on X. The former-Twitter wasn’t any more friendly to free speech under the auspices of co-founder Jack Dorsey, which might explain why Bluesky has become the pre-Musk Twitter; Dorsey founded Bluesky. Meanwhile, Musk famously found a closet full of T-shirts that pretty much validated the accusations of Twitter’s critics and which its staff, back when they had jobs, denied: That they were super-‘woke’. Dorsey’s Twitter had been criticized for years as politically biased against, and censorious of, conservative and other opinions ‘unfavorable’ to the woke agenda. That much was true; back then, the quickest way to get banned was to annoy transactivists by saying something factual, as Canadian feminist and activist Meghan Murphy found when she was ‘permanently’ banned for identifying a trans-identified man using male pronouns. Such was the state of ‘hate speech’ and censorship on pre-Musk Twitter in 2018, which blithely ignored the years-long transactivist hate campaign against J.K. Rowling for her support of women’s right to be, and define themselves as women apart from those given a lifelong sentence of being male from conception. Three years later, then-President Donald Trump was suspended in early January 2021 for allegedly ‘glorifying’ and ‘inciting’ January 6th violence. After Musk took over he reinstated Trump soon after and Murphy got her account back eventually, too. Let’s talk about content moderation The gloves against any pretense of progressive civil society came off in 2023 on October 7th, when many ‘progressives’ unleashed their Jew hate like the unholiest Kraken, and more recently the disgusting Luigi love for the healthcare CEO killer. Progressive bigots made it clear that progressive hate speech was 100% acceptable after Hamas’s vicious attack, when, in the finest tradition of right-wing violent political expression, progressives donned their own swastika—the keffiyeh—and violently attacked all things Jewish, be they buildings or people, and justified it with the usual self-aggrandizing bullshit about how the victims ‘deserved it’. Very, very few ‘progressives’ challenged or stood up against the explosion of antisemitic ejaculate spraying humanity like a genocidal bukkake video. Just imagine how they’d have reacted if Luigi Mangione had been a Christian right-winger who murdered a transwoman en route to the beauty parlor to get his balls waxed . Pretty certainly, the toxic right would have exploded with near-similar hate on both platforms while progressives clutched their pearls and fainted on the Whole Foods Market Hot & Salad Bar floor. La plus ça change. The naked calls for assassination force us to rethink anonymity, and the cowards who call for criminal acts without fear of retribution. I write this not to call for censorship but to argue legitimate free speech stops at violent threats or encouragement of violence against others (including encouraging someone to commit suicide). Most of which is banned under typical ‘Terms of Service’ or ‘Community Standards’, but mostly lackadaisically enforced. X and Bluesky are positively medieval In less enlightened times and places (medieval Europe and the modern-day Middle East), one could make anonymous accusations against others, not be required to provide a shred of evidence, and the accused would stand before a court that didn’t even rise to the standards of a modern-day ‘kangaroo court’. It’s why the ‘Confrontation Clause’ was added to the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights stipulating that the accused has the right to face their accuser. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms also stipulates similarly unless the accuser is deemed ‘vulnerable’, such as from intimidating threats by the accuser or other safety issues. But on social media, the normal rules don’t apply. You can falsely accuse someone like Jesse Singal of pedophilia, and ruin peoples’ lives and careers with other anonymous lies. When you do libel or slander someone under your real name, as George Stephanopoulos was found liable for recently with Donald Trump’s successful lawsuit against him and his employer NBC News, there are consequences. None for the anonymous cowards on social media claiming, as Stephanopoulos did, that Trump raped accuser E. Jean Carroll. Which has never been proven in court, even though he lost a defamation liability appeal which awarded her money, and then again when he defamed her under his real name on social media. Dumbass. Do we live in a dual-justice system, not the kind for the moneyed vs the poor, but where you can say damn near anything and get away with it as long as no one knows who you are? Allowing people to blatantly threaten, or encourage threats to people they’ve deemed ‘evil’, or entire industries like healthcare, will do more to quell free speech and keep the entire population cowed into silence than any ‘cancel culture’ campaign we’ve seen in the last twelve years. Crazy extremists running around armed and dangerous represent the supreme coalescence of the very worst of the left and right to destroy what remains of democracy by ensuring no one dares speak truth to power. Just like, you know, in Hitler’s day. If content isn’t the responsibility of the platforms, and the federal government is constitutionally prohibited from moderating public speech, whose responsibility is it? Because what’s illegal offline shouldn’t be legal, officially or not, online. Social media platforms have been accused many times, credibly, of doing a milquetoast job of policing genuine violent threats, so it’s up for legal argument whether they could ultimately be held responsible for pretty close violations of the First Amendment, a legal argument that hasn’t found much traction so far. Anonymous accounts truly must be protected for whistleblowers and truth-tellers, but those whose truths contain more lies than truths should be accountable for libelous accusations. So far, the courts haven’t been supportive of verifiable identification for age. Theoretically, one might need to provide a driver’s license or some other ID to get an account not under their real name but currently, the courts haven’t ruled that way. But it’s what’s likely needed to hold users accountable. If the DorseyMuskerbergs aren’t responsible for a post or tweet encouraging someone to kill the next healthcare CEO or investigative journalist, then the responsibility lies with the individual. That’s near-impossible under present circumstances. A kinder, gentler solution would be to induce and encourage social media companies to hold their users accountable for their speech by offering tax incentives to those platforms which do an audited, verifiable good job of suspending or banning users who clearly violate their standards or ToS with clearly defined threats: “Here’s the address of a journalist whose work I hate, go teach him what the business end of a Glock looks like,” versus “I really wish someone would punch to death Joe Blow at the New York Times.” Wishes aren’t the same as GPS destinations. Elon Musk, Make People Pay To Be Assholes! Encouraging or ordering others to kill without getting your own hands dirty, is ‘conspiracy to commit murder’, as Charles Manson found out in 1971. At least from a hippie commune in California. Not sure what would happen if he’d agitated for rich-people murders from @helterskelter1969. Clearly, if you want to commit a murder, or get others to do it, sign up anonymously. No one will pay attention unless you directly threaten the President of the United States. Peoples’ lives are put in danger on social media where it’s been horrifically clear for many years that many of its denizens suffer from serious mental health problems and a complete break with morality. What must happen before we take these obvious threats to the social order more seriously? When someone does, in fact, kill a journalist? Or another random CEO? Anyone deemed ‘evil’ by the self-appointed Holy Inquistitors becomes fair game. TERFs. MAGAs. Muslims. Immigrants. Feminists. Nickelback fans. Nickelback. Today a healthcare CEO, tomorrow, perhaps, a Hamas campus cheerleader. Or an Israel supporter. Or a YouPorn star. Or a sex trafficker. Or a genderwoo-friendly school board member. Or you. Pick yer evil, and then ask whether you really want to see a Death Wish world in which many self-appointed someones go around liquidating people they have deemed unworthy of life. No arrest? No due process? No assumption of innocence? Every dystopian futuristic science fiction movie you’ve ever seen in which might makes right? A Boy And His Robo-Dog? It’s begun on social media, a largely unregulated Wild West of opinions, expressions, false information, misinformation, wrong views, immorality, rank psychosis and a Dark Triad free-for-all. I don’t yet know how this proposed content moderation would work. I don’t know or understand the legal technicalities established so far or in which direction we could take this drive to hold someone, or something, ultimately accountable for clearly unprotected speech that creates a clear and present danger to all of us. It’s probably premature anyway as we first must acknowledge there’s a problem before we can go about solving it. Understand: I’m not arguing for censorship. I support your right to spew, but, knowing that someone at X or Bluesky or Facebook or Instagram knows exactly who you are, and will turn your contact information over to law enforcement upon request through the proper channels. The progressives loooooove ‘consequences’ for ‘hate speech’. Let’s properly define hate speech, and provide exactly that. Which Online Platforms Don’t Censor Content Creators? I Went Nazi-Hunting On Substack. Now I Ask: Whose Nazis Are We? Did you like this post? Do you want to see more? I lean left of center, but not so far my brains fall out. Subscribe to my Substack newsletter  Grow Some Labia  so you never miss a damn thing! There are also podcasts

  • Here Comes The 'Woke Right' And It Looks A Helluva Lot Like The Woke Left

    Brand-new management, same as the last! But the bipartisan UnWoke have the recent accumulated observation to help call out the same-old-same-old Wokeness never dies. It’s rising again. Public domain image from Wallpaperflare Party while you can, Syria. Ding dong, the bastard’s gone, and Russia’s li’l Putie-Pie is further disabled by losing his Big Orange ally (and now having to stick Bashie and his wife in the spare bedroom for God knows how long!) while Syrians do that deposed-dictator thing and storm the palace. The liberation process for detested dictators is similar to that of the fall of detested dictatorial ideologies, but the end result is the same: New management takes over and looks much like the last. America is stepping out, breathing air again, and boldly jumping on X and Bluesky to poke the woke folk. Transnutzis are a little muted, sensing that the jig is up for ‘ladydicks’. And what will the right do with the campus Keffiyeh Klanmaids? Embrace them or turn them over to Matt Gaetz? Yeah, the sheriff’s back in town after a four-year sabbatical and he’s brought a lot of his friends. AOC’s so terrified she’s removed her pronouns. Is this it? we ask ourselves. Finally? The end of the Woke Reign of (T)Error? Can we all live free and pull the First Amendment out of Anne Frank’s bunker? Party while you can, America. Yes, let’s celebrate the demise of the Woke Left. But just keep in mind the hootenanny ends on January 20th when the Woke Right rises like insufferable, holier-than-thou zombies from the tainted baptismal pool. The far right is everything we’ve seen in the Loony Left Never mind the original meaning of wokeness. Today it’s associated with everything it claimed to fight—racism, misogyny, homophobia, colonialism and, as an added bonus, antisemitism. Progressive wokeness is about to be replaced by the returning personality cult headed by The Oversized Baby. Now don’t misunderstand me, I’m happy to wave bye-bye to evidence-free ideologies consciously embraced by Vice President Harris and cluelessly followed by a President I could tell had no understanding of its dangers. I envision a line of dejected losers exiting the White House on January 20th—a pink-haired nose-ringed gender-confused kid; a Black Lives Matter protester dragging his I Stand With Hamas sign behind him and clutching an IRS audit notice; a man pulling off his wig and tossing it away in anger because Rep. Nancy Mace forced him to use the men’s room; a fauxminist in a Handmaid costume, a seig-heiling Montrealer . Well okay, maybe not that last one. But this is only winter break, folks. Donald Trump is no friend of freedom, either. Or science. Or reading. Or free speech. Or the law. And neither are his woke-right supporters. Trump says he’ll go after campus antisemites , but will he go after his own? Are you kidding me? Attack his base? He won’t do it any more than Justin Trudeau , you know, the Governor of Canada, the 51st state! What the jubilants don’t yet understand is now the metaphorical gunsights turn on all of us . The Reds are returning to power. They’ve been given a clear voter mandate to rule America. Those who dance to celebrate the departure of they/them and obsessive ethnic ingredients lists aren’t yet aware of those straining to turn cancel culture and free speech suppression back on the left. Elon Musk has got their backs! The Woke Right isn’t much different from the Woke Left. Authoritarianism is non-partisan. What is the ‘woke right’? Definitions vary. It’s commonly associated with Christian nationalism and I can see its roots now, fifty years ago when I was a young whippersnapper in Ohio grappling with the weird omnipresent ‘I Found It!’ campaign from the mid-’70s, opening conversations with everyone who wasn’t ‘saved’ by a personal commitment to Jesus. These were the birth pangs of the modern revived Christian fundamentalist movement, drunk on and then disappointed by Baptist Jimmy Carter, followed by Ronald Reagan, who brought geezer dementia to the White House long before it was cool. Reagan professed Christianity and mused about Revelation being nigh. Stories leaked out of the White House about Reagan allegedly speculating that maybe a nuclear war was God’s fulfillment of the prophecy. This concerned those of us who were in the first act of our lives who didn’t want to end it prematurely in a blazing nuclear holocaust. I fought conservative politics and Biblical literalist dumbfuckery for the twenty years between the birth of my political consciousness and moving to LiberalWorld Canada (part of its appeal, actually). The God Squad never achieved power as pervasively as the woke cultists today. The grand irony is both sides are using the same formal structure: Christianity, the religion most commonly known and practiced in America, although other religions bear a passing-to-close resemblance to it. John McWhorter was one of the first to identify the Christian model adopted and adapted by antiracists in his book Woke Racism. The essential elements are: A rigid adherence to dogma and banishment (‘cancellation’) of heretics, questioners and unbelievers; Self-appointed arbiters of morality and truth whom McWhorter calls ‘The Elect’; Reliance on faith-based belief (critical race theory) and dismissal or outright hostility to anyone challenging it with reason, rationalism, or critical thought; Original sin: White skin, for which the sinners (skinners?) must forever atone, for they can never be truly cleansed of their s(k)ins; A ‘Day of Reckoning’ akin to Revelation’s ‘End Times’ in which white people will be finally held accountable for their collective sins (not sure who does this since the Woke Cult doesn’t have established leaders or a deity). Maybe we’ll have to kowtow before Ibram X. Kendi and Nikole-Hannah Jones; ‘Clergy’ in the form of fashionable influencers for antiracism (or feminism, transactivism, etc.) The need to ‘tear it all down’ (white, Western society) and rebuild it from scratch (as God will do after all the sturm und drang of Revelation is fulfilled. Replace key words and concepts in McWhorter’s analysis of ‘woke racism’ and you’ll find equally religious ‘woke feminism’, ‘woke transactivism’, ‘woke queerism’, ‘woke anticolonialism’, etc. The Woke Right already laid the foundation for a rigid, dogmatic empire half a century ago but became unseated by TV evangelist sex scandals, violent anti-abortion activism and the rise of a sexy new Democratic President with a charming southern accent. Liberalism arose again, hiking over the failures of Christian fundamentalism. And, as political movements are wont to do, went way too far as their right-wing forbears had done, and ‘progressivism’, a label we all proudly wore twenty years ago (in fact, it was adopted after the Reaganauts turned ‘liberal’ into a negative connotation), has since become its own negative marker, not from the right this time but from its own ugly regressive tendencies and hate speech which actually resemble the worst of the far right. ‘And so it goes,’ as Kurt Vonnegut would say. Each iteration of the resurrection (more religiosity!) of either political canon builds upon the successes and failures of the other, but the essential theological structure remains the same. Public domain photo What the UnWoke can do This is just a very brief overview of the Woke Right, which most people have probably never heard of. I expect I’ll be writing about it a lot more in the next four years. It doesn’t fit all right-wingers any more than wokeness describes all left-wingers. It does seem to be emerging as a faction of the far right and will likely encounter resistance from conservatives not prone to religious fanaticism. Less extremist Christians are already speaking out against it, I guess while they can, since woke extremists don’t tolerate dissent for long. This Christian Apologetics article deeply explores the similarly racist, antifeminist, and discriminatory path woke rightness is appropriating from the woke left and discusses how other Christians can challenge these people with the Bible. You don’t need to be a Christian to challenge the new wokeness, because wokeism is essentially secular. The left has never understood its religious roots. Extremist Christians adapt wokeness now to serve their own purposes, and are already well-schooled in faith-based belief. ‘Literalist’ Christians pick and choose what to believe from the Bible’s countless contradictions and counter-arguments that provide a simplistic way to live for those who prefer not to think too hard about the glaringly obvious questions. Woke rightness will appeal to the bigots on the right just as liberalism was adapted and transformed into wokeness for the left’s bigots. Rational righters, those who don’t hew to more hard-right views, who ‘lean to the right, but not so far their brains fall out’, will find themselves challenged by these people, and perhaps cancelled, censored, fired, and oppressed just as level-headed liberals and other dissenters have been by the woke left. We’ve spent the last fifteen years observing, critiquing, and dissecting the woke left, so we have a recent foundation of knowledge to understand exactly what the Woke Right is doing. And fight it. Many conservatives and liberals aren’t as far apart as their respective extremists, the mainstream media and the flame wars of social media would have us believe. Get non-crazy liberals and conservatives in one room, and they’ll disagree, but also agree on other points. For liberals like myself, we’re exploring conservative ideas that, like anything else, can work well on certain levels as long as they don’t go too far, like any other good idea. Maybe two-parent marriage isn’t so bad after all; maybe porn really has become toxic; and frankly, I’m so tired of hearing so-called liberals tear down my mother country that I’m ready for some mild Old Glory-waving national pride. Neil Shenvi, the Apologetics website owner, found a spot-on quote that really hits home on what’s been wrong with woke antiracism. Uncomfortably, he quotes a pseudonymous writer at a Southern, far-right wing website rife with ‘White pride’, hysterical accusations of ‘genocide’ and a barfable photo at the end of the About section showing pretty white Southern belles with a quote about ‘fair maidens so pretty’ which I guess tells you all you need to know about wimmin’s place in the return to Dixie they envision. But even racists can sometimes cut to the quick, and I have to admit the author has one bastard of a good point as he calls out Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility : If your White skin and genes confer the guilt of your ancestors, then they also confer the pride of your ancestors, as well as, their accomplishments, victories, virtues, rights, liberties, freedoms, heritages, lands, and more. The anonymous wuss may be a racist asshole, but you’ve got to admit, it’s a bastard of a good point. I wish I’d thought of it. It shows you that even people we would never invite to dinner can still produce occasionally what the French call a bon mot: A witty or trenchant remark. The author notes that the woke left also do their ideological enemies a favor by resurrecting old art and writings of the Hated Old White European dudes, “digging up the gems of our ancestors for us and placing them on platters before our eyes.” Touché again, Monsieur le Raciste. As I lamented in my earlier article Is There Any Real Joy In Learning Anymore? today’s students will never be introduced to Voltaire, as I was in college. Maybe that’s how folks will now be introduced to the beauties, and not just the faults, of Western civilization: Through their worst critics, directing our attention to the works they most want us not to read. So I guess the Woke Left is good for something. So too, however unconsciously, may be the Woke Right. Did you like this post? Do you want to see more? I lean left of center, but not so far my brains fall out. Subscribe to my Substack newsletter  Grow Some Labia  so you never miss a damn thing! There are also podcasts  of more recent articles there too!

  • Roman Holiday - A Christmas Story

    Oh no! Not another Messiah! CC0 public domain Just what we need. Another bloody Messiah. The name’s Flatulous. I’m a Roman soldier in Tiberius’s army. I’m stationed here in Jerusalem. My job is to keep the Jews in line, and the gods know those people are always agitating about one damn thing or another. Pontius Pilate is forever downing Medea’s herbal remedies for his migraines. As if I don’t have my hands full dealing with the damn Philistines. So the latest thing to rile the Jews is the news that some forthcoming kid in Galilee is their prophesied Saviour. Third one this week, and it’s only Wednesday. And they’re saying he was born of a virgin. Yeah. As if. I may not be a learned man, but even I know when someone’s feeding her betrothed a major line. Anyway, I hear ol’ King Herod is absolutely ripshit. He, uh, liquidated a bunch of the Jewish boys a few years ago — that was before I joined the army — because he believed one of the prophecies. Why he picked  that prophesy   to favour I’ll never know. Cripes, if he murdered the sons who fit the profile of every Messiah divined from sheep’s entrails or reading the fires, there’d be nothing but Jewish chicks left. Look, I don’t believe in Messiahs. I was raised in a household that favoured Mars. My brothers were all soldiers, my dad Leprous was a soldier, his dad was a soldier, and his dad was too. Even my mom, though never a soldier, could kick your ass. We had a little altar in one corner of the hovel devoted to Mars. We made burnt offerings and other sweet scents in an effort to gain and keep his favour. He watched over us, too, because no one in the family died in battle except for my brother Scrofulous and that was his own damn fault for converting to that Yahweh guy when he married Rachel bat-Dinah. See what happens when you don’t keep the faith? is my kinda god. Manly and heroic and he's bangin' Aphrodite! Photo by Andrea Puggioni - Creative Commons 2.0 Attribution Generic I do my job. I’m a good soldier. I don’t rough up the Jews like some of these guys. When they get out of hand I push them back with my spear and a few times I’ve had to use my sword, but I’ve never drawn Jewish blood. I don’t believe in unnecessary violence, which is kind of weird coming from a Roman soldier, I guess. Out here in the hinterlands, our main entertainment is the Jewish priests who keep us laughing with their ridiculous laws for their people. Who could ever trust a god who forbids the eating of a good side of roast pork? The other day, three guys on camels showed up asking for directions to Bethlehem. Pretty rich and fancy guys too, all from faraway lands. They were carrying some pretty nice cargo and I offered to send a few guards with them to make sure they didn’t get waylaid en route. They turned me down. They were following this really bright star they said marked the spot of the Saviour. I asked them which Saviour and they didn’t think that was very funny. You mark my words, no one’s gonna remember this kid a year from now. Merry Christmas! Did you like this post? Do you want to see more? I lean left of center, but not so far my brains fall out. Subscribe to my Substack newsletter  Grow Some Labia  so you never miss a damn thing! There are also podcasts  of more recent articles there too!

  • The Transfolk Who Really Do Need Our Support

    The experience of 'The Bearded Lesbian' reminds us some folks really do need to transition; and how LGBTQ can fail them I began following Aaron Kimberly , ‘ The Bearded Lesbian ’, because she struck me as a genuine transgender person—someone who chose to become a man rather than stay in in her biological body, not for messed-up ‘woke’ reasons, not because she wasn’t properly raised to understand the answer to misogyny and male objectification is to fight back, rather than become a man; not because she had psychological morbidities that predisposed her to fix them with psychological snake oil; but because she seemed pretty genuinely masculine and dysphoric from an early age and didn’t outgrow it. She identified as a butch lesbian, but the It as she describes it—her inherent ‘manliness’—has always been there. Kimberly transitioned in her thirties and came to regret it. Typical of the ‘trans’ medical profession, no one warned her about the health and surgical problems that reside permanently with transitioners. Or that pro-trans websites delete unwelcome pictures of trans surgery gone horribly wrong and that surgical complication rates are woefully under-reported. She de-transitioned. Recently, Kimberly decided to de-detransition  and go back to being a male. He believes his inherent maleness—which has been with him for as long as he can remember—is due to the discovery that his ‘unrecognizable’ ovary was a mass of both ovarian and testicular tissue. Kimberly has a congenital disorder called Ovotesticular Disorder of Sex Development. As a fetus, he was exposed to testosterone at a particular time in development and which continued into early adulthood. As a result, Kimberly has always demonstrated a distinct maleness and manliness that has created much confusion and disorder throughout his life. Kimberly identifies as a butch lesbian but can’t backtrack on the changes. He looks, talks, and can only pass for a man. No one will hassle him in the men’s room, and he would for sure create chaos in the ladies’. Fortunately, he’s not the transactivist type, not that that matters much since transmen are markedly less activist and much quieter than transwomen. The only way you know Kimberly isn’t originally a male is in the way he expresses himself in his distinctly masculine voice. Kimberly is still, to a certain extent, a socialized woman between his ears. And he has no desire to harm, threaten, or intimidate women by pushing himself where he knows he will create fear. Which is how you can tell the bio boys from the bio girls. The way they think. Biology matters, and it’s real I’ve always kept in the back of my mind, as I harshly criticize the misogynist, morally bankrupt trans movement, that there may be real, biological reasons why at least some people might want to change sex. That maybe there were physical/medical reasons why they genuinely felt ‘born in the wrong body’. We know there’s a tiny fraction with various chromosomal ‘intersex’ disorders which make them more bi-sexual (as opposed to bisexual) than others. Some already 'identify’ with what appears to be their conception-determined sex and are surprised to find they’re a little less cut-and-dried as they thought. Like Caster Semenya, the South African Olympics runner who had no idea  she possessed far more testosterone than a typical woman. Aaron Kimberly appears also to be someone who didn’t know he possessed a little of the other sex’s physiology. He simply lived as he was—a very boyish girl—as authentically as he could in the 1970s and 80s when ‘trans kids’ were unheard of, and he was so super-tomboy he once accidentally, but happily, was included on a boys’ baseball team. Transition in Hindsight: Aaron Kimberly’s Story  - Genspect, 07/26/21 So biology matters. Differences in sex development, or DSDs, are, according to USA Today, “a set of rare conditions involving genes, hormones and reproductive organs that can cause the sexual development of a person to be different than others.” Two ‘female’ boxers were at the heart of an Olympics controversy this summer for allegedly testing as male rather than female, though neither identified as transgender. It points to a diversity of physiology that won’t be easily solved with a gender certificate or ‘feeling’ and raises the need for more finely differentiating how male an athlete is before that person can be permitted or barred from competing on female sports teams. Kimberly cites research by the author of a book on testosterone and its impact on girls with DSDs. Carole Hooven notes that over a hundred studies since the late 1960s of girls with a DSD called CAH (Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia), another condition which exposes female fetuses to testosterone, shows that female CAHs’ toy preferences digress from ‘typical’ girls’ preferences; they prefer to play with trucks, blocks, and prefer rougher ‘boys’ games. They don’t outgrow it; it continues into adulthood with an attraction for more traditional male roles involving things rather than the human relational professions women gravitate toward—teaching, nursing, child care, etc. It’s not all ‘socialization’ that makes us, to one degree or another, ‘gender stereotypical’, but the way our brains and physiology develop as well. Especially by still-poorly-understood DSDs. Many find it noteworthy that female-identified men, i.e., ‘transwomen’, are the most public and vocal and aggressive in their demands to be ‘accommodated’ in places previously reserved for biological women. They’re driving the trend to allow men claiming to be women to compete on women’s sports teams, where to the surprise of no one except the denialists in the woke left, they’re stealing prizes and awards from real women who simply can’t compete against biological males. Transmen? They sit quietly on the sidelines, just like, well—women. Male and female brains are more dude-y and chick-y than many want to acknowledge, and even trans people who successfully ‘pass’ as the sex they’re not, out themselves eventually. It’s the way they move, their relational communications style. Biological females simply are more sensitive to others’ moods and feelings when they communicate; I say that observationally, not critically. Males are more assertive, more aggressive, and sometimes more manipulative. It’s kind of like when a woman meets a man who seems fairly dude-ish and masculine, but after a few minutes of talking to him she gets the sense he’s gay. It’s something different about him, a slightly different way he relates to women he has no romantic or sexual interest in. Straight guys, on the other hand, who aren’t attracted to a particular woman don’t usually come across as gay. The hidden caveats of ‘acceptance’ For all the lofty speeches Team Rainbow gives gender and sex, and how no one is really one thing or another and we’re all fluid and should just accept each other for our various identities, they’re remarkably uncomfortable and even a little intolerant of The Bearded Lesbian. Kimberly writes of the initially cordial online relationship he had with Holly Lawford-Smith, a New Zealand university professor and gender critical feminist. Lawford-Smith, it seems, is annoyed that Kimberly acts very much like a man sometimes and should stop. He writes of how he was asked at a women’s festival if he couldn’t girl himself up somehow (with a ‘pink bow’? So much for smashing stereotypes!) as he warned young lesbians about the regret levels in transitioning. His ‘manliness’ seems to discomfort those who need a small symbolic pacifier to remind them that Kimberly is, in fact, a biological woman. Reading of Kimberly’s struggles makes me wonder how the world could be more accommodating of people like him in the future. Could he have lived happily dude-ily female or however he felt without medical intervention in a world that truly accepts each one of us as the truly unique individuals we are? Isn’t that what LGBTQ preaches? Humans naturally gravitate toward ‘tribes’, people who are like them in one capacity or another, but what if we stopped assigning so much value to our various labels? It’s one of the greatest failings of today’s LGBTQ movement: The horrific authenticityphobia  that encapsulates the very worst of our modern hyper-competitive world. You are born not good enough.  You need to be better. You can’t be you, because ‘you’ are fundamentally imperfect. The last time I went to Toronto Pride, I felt like a quiet enemy walking among them. I used to feel quite at home with LGBTQs, despite being relentlessly heterosexual. People are what they are and as long as they’re not hurting anyone, what do I care? That changed several years ago when T and Q began harming people, especially women and children, and now they’re marginalizing gayfolk. I no longer feel comfortable around anything LGBTQ. I see pink hair, pierced eyebrows, rainbow backpacks and I’m immediately on my guard thinking, Avoid, avoid! They look like a giant pain in the ass! I can’t even know whether the cis-gay person in front of me is a ‘normie’ or someone who’s drunk the explosive woke Kool-Aid. LGBTQ has become the very face of ‘wokeness’ which is why Donald Trump chose to exemplify his opponent’s allegiance to it with, love it or hate it, one of the most highly effective and spot-on  political campaign ads we’ve ever seen. Betcha a lot of those new female Trump voters noticed how vicious, angry, hateful, misogynist transactivists vilify and abuse biological women with impunity, demonstrating what you have to do to get away with that in our so-called ‘feminist’ world. Don’t think many men aren’t donning dresses and overdone makeup for the ‘privilege’ of beating up women. If Team Rainbow could ‘do the work’  and move beyond its near-psychopathic narcissism and just chill out, we’d all be able to live and work together more harmoniously. Meeting someone like Aaron Kimberly or a non-binary wouldn’t induce stress at first sight because you know what you need to know and if you don’t, all will be revealed shortly: Kimberly is a man. And the normie non-binary, if such a person can exist, and I believe it’s possible, would be, well, non-binary. When you speak to them your pronouns are I, me  and you. No drama. I’m drawn to Aaron Kimberly’s Substack because he’s just so real, and his perspective reflects both sex experiences . He’s a dude born in a bi-sexual body who’s trying to navigate life as best he can, just like the rest of us. Most importantly, he’s sensitive to the impact he has on women, recognizing that strange men can be perceived as a threat by many women. He has no desire to make someone’s wiz more stressful by occupying the stall next to them with his convincing manliness. Kimberly makes me think  about sex and gender in more productive ways than hateful transactivists ever will and illuminates what I love about transgenderism, even though I spend more time criticizing than praising it: Genuine sex-changers have much to teach us about what it truly means to be male and female, when they’ve literally lived on both sides of the divide. I also hope women and others can come to accept Kimberly for what he is without needing to ‘girl it up’ for them. He’s a biological woman (mostly) who truly feels and believes he needs to be a man. These are the genderfluids who truly ‘slip through the cracks’, the ones who need our support and help. I’m good with that. I don’t need his pink bow. Hell, I’ll even share a bathroom with him without dragging the U.S. Supreme Court into it! ‘Coz I’d feel comfortable with him. Did you like this post? Do you want to see more? I lean left of center, but not so far my brains fall out. 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